Matthew 10
The twal Apostles coonsellʼt, and sent out.
1And caʼin his twal disciples till him, he gied them the rule ower unclean spirits, sae as to cast them oot, and to heal aʼ mainner oʼ sickness and fecklessness.
2Noo the twal Apostlesʼ names are thir: first Simon, wha is named Peter, and Andro his brither; James oʼ Zebedee, and John his brither;
3Philip, and Bartholomie, Tammas, and Matthew the tax man; James oʼ Alpheus, and Thaddeus;
4Simon the Zealot; and Judas Iscariot, wha eʼen betrayʼt him.
5Thir twal Jesus sent oot, and chairged them, sayin, “Gang‐na the gate oʼ the Gentiles, and enter‐na ony Samaritan citie;
6“But gang ye raither to the forwanderin sheep oʼ Israʼlʼs hoose.
7“And as ye gang, proclaim and say, ‘The Kingdom oʼ Heeven is at haun!’
8“The sick heal; the lepers cleanse; the deid raise; ill spirits cast ye oot: freely ye hae gotten; as freely gie!
9“Get ye nae gowd, nor siller, nor yet copper iʼ yer pouches;
10“Nae pock for yer journey, nor a spare coat, nor shoon, nor staff: for the worker is wordie oʼ his meat!
11“And intil whatna citie or toun ye may gae, seek ye oot wha is wordie; and bide ye thar till ye gang awa.
12“And whan ye come intil a hoose, salute it.
13“And gin the hoose be wordie, lat yere peace bide upon it; and gin it be no wordie, yere peace wull come back till ye again.
14“And whasae winna tak ye in, nor hear yere words — whan ye gang oot oʼ that hoose or that toun, flaff aff the vera stour frae yere feet.
15“Truly say I tʼye, It sal be mair tholeable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day oʼ judgment nor for that citie!
16“And look! I send ye oot as sheep amang wolves: be ye than wyss like serpents, and aefauld as doos.
17“But #10:17 “Tak tent”; no iʼ the way oʼ followin or believin them (as in Acts 8:6, whaur the original is the same); but to avoid what they say, “Do as we do,” says the warld, “and let Christ alane!” “Na!” says the Christian, “Iʼll follow him, eʼen gin he leads me to my cross!” (ver. 38.) “A Christian,” quoʼ Luther, “is aye a Crusian!”tak tent oʼ men! for they wull gie ye up to Cooncils, and clour ye iʼ their kirks;
18“And ye sal be brocht afore Governors and Kings for my sake, for a testimonie to them and to the nations.
19“But whan they deliver ye up, be‐na fashed aboot hoo or what ye sal say: for in that same ʼoor it sal be gien ye what to say.
20“For it isna ye wha are speakin, but the Spirit oʼ yere Faither wha speaks in ye.
21“And brither sal gie up the brither to deid, and the faither the bairn; and the bairns sal rise up again the parents, and hae them putten to deid.
22“And ye sal be hatit oʼ aʼ folk for the sake oʼ my name; but he wha tholes to the end, that same sal be deliverʼt.
23“But whan they persecute ye iʼ this toun, flee till anither; for truly say I tʼye, Yeʼse no be ower the cities oʼ Israʼl till whan the Son oʼ Man comes!
24“The learner is no aboon the teacher, nor a servant aboon the maister.
25“Eneuch that the learner sud fare as dis the teacher, and the servant like his maister. Gin they caʼ the maister oʼ the hoose Beelzebul, hoo muckle mair them oʼ his househauld?
26“Be‐na fleyʼt at them than; for thar is naething coverʼt that sanna be uncoverʼt; and hid, that sanna be kent.
27“What I tell ye iʼ the mirk, tell ye oot iʼ the licht; and what ye hear whushʼt iʼ the lug, proclaim ye on the hoose‐taps!
28“And dreid‐na them wha slay the body, but canna slay the saul! but raither dreid ye him wha is able to wreck saul and body in hell!
29“Arena twa sparrows gaun for a bodle? And ane frae mang them faʼs‐na on the grund withoot yere Faither!
30“But the vera hairs oʼ yere heid are aʼ coontit.
31“Dinna be dowie, than: ye are better nor mony sparrows!
32“Whasae sal own me afore men, him sal I own afore my Faither wha is in Heeven.
33“But whasae disowns me afore men, him sal I disown afore my Faither wha is in Heeven.
34“Think‐na I am come to cast abreid quateness on the yirth: I come‐na to cast quateness, but a sword.
35“For I am come to set in dispute a man again his faither, and a bride again her gude‐mither;
36“And a manʼs faes are they oʼ his ain hoose.
37“Wha loʼes faither or mither mair nor me, isna wordie oʼ me; and wha loʼes son or dochter mair nor me, isna wordie oʼ me.
38“And wha taks‐na up his cross, to follow me, isna wordie oʼ me.
39“He wha wins his life sal tine it; and wha tines his life for my sake, he sal win it!
40“He wha welcomes you, welcomes me; and he wha welcomes me, welcomes him wha sent me forth.
41“He wha taks in a seer, in the name oʼ a seer, sal receive a seerʼs reward; and he wha taks in a holie man iʼ the name oʼ a holie man, wins a holie manʼs reward.
42“And whasae sal gie to drink til ane oʼ thir wee anes a cup oʼ the cauld watir only, iʼ the name oʼ a disciple — truly I say tʼye, he sanna in onygate tine his reward!”
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Matthew 10: SCO1904

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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.