Yoohana 1

Yeesso Kiriistohi magahiis Yeed layadeeh weeli enenyet yateeh
1Uumaccho ka ki magahiis Yeed layadeeh a jire one, Yeed Waakhe leejire, Yeed la a Waakh ekkatiissa. 2Ulla uumaccho ka Waakhe leejire.
3Waakh usu ka, walah tuumman a soouume. Walah lasoouume laantiis lasoouume mala. 4Usu jiroti rummaat lakeela. Jirota la weeli enenyete banay ikeenta. 5Banayhaas la mugꞌdi goya kabolkhaane, iꞌdaasenyi mugꞌdi jirtuu ma khaato.
6Etoo Waakh leesoofarme a yimiyye, magahiis la a Yoohana. 7Ulla a yimiyye garti banayhaas ꞌdooꞌd icheeke, ꞌdee usu ka ꞌdooꞌd tuumman woraas rummeesta. 8Yoohana rubeytiis banayhaas menye, us eti garti banayhaas ꞌdooꞌd icheeko on eheet. 9Eti banayhi rummaatenye weeli enenyet tuumman banay tuso la yomboka harra a yamiit.
10Us harratane kijire. Chiꞌ usu ka walah tuumman lasoouume laka, ꞌdooꞌdi harrata eti us yahe ma aban. 11Us ꞌdooꞌdiissa iyimiyye, iꞌdaasenyi ꞌdooꞌdiis usu ma khaatan. 12Iꞌdaasenyi ꞌdooꞌdi tuummane usu khaatte, magahiis rummeeste, nyaakhuti Waakhe icho yateehiin a muꞌdanyahiin. 13Nyaakhuta delmaatti sarti weeli enenyet ma kasoouummamine ommos wihi weeli enenyet gooche menye, ommos ꞌdooninti mejel mee. Iꞌdaasenyi Waakh rubeytiissa nyaakhutiis kayeesse.
14Ki magahiis Yeed layadeeh weeli enenyet yitahye, harrata ka goyteen furte. Inno la weynaantiisti weyti haaggan a agarre, weynaanti weeli keleyenye Waakh. Ulla usuhi haaggi Waakhe buure ichoow rume buuhaane Aabbaheen kayimiy.
15Yoohana la runti usu miinsan enenyet a icheeke, riire wihi us urur iyidah, “Kan a eti an, ‘Etoo ani ikaween ꞌdubeey ka a yamiit, iꞌdi tahe us geeddi an idelan laka a jire on,’ eldi.” 16Yeesso Kiriisto tuunki haaggiiski buure ka, buuhiis a inno ikasookhakkhaye. 17A mehe Waakh amurretiis Muusa ka a inno siiche. Haaggi Waakhe buure ichoow runtiis la Yeesso Kiriisto ka a inno tuste. 18Et injire Waákh arge mele. Iꞌdaasenyi Weeliiski kaldaye ullaka Waakhenye Aabbaheen garabiis kijiro, eti Waakh yahe a inno isoobabbakkaahiche.
Yoohanahi Enenyet Baattissiyo saggi us Kiriisto ieheynan cheeka
(Mattaayo 3:1-12, Marko 1:1-8, Luuka 3:1-18)
19Maanti weynaanti yaafohi Yaꞌhuude ilkerengeetti weene Yeerusaleem taal, kuhaaniyyo ichoow ꞌdooꞌdoo goob Laaweenye kuhaaniyyo gargaaro Yoohana ieregte, eti us yahe iche worsatte. 20Ulla eti us yahe ma daginne, ꞌdooꞌd ortiis ka cheeke, wihi us iyidah, “An Ki Lasubhe lasugo mee.”
21Iche la wihi iche worsatte, “At ꞌdeerka a ayyo? At a Eliiya?”#1:21 Malaaki 4:5.
Ulla, “Mele,” yidah.
“At a eti Waákh íyeyyeedo inno sugno?” worsateen.
Wihi us ilaabe, “Mele.”
22ꞌDaꞌddaboka wihi icho yidaaheen, “At a ayyo? Wihi nah ꞌdooꞌdi nah sooergate ilaabno nah sii. At a ayyo istadeeh?”
23Yoohana yeedi eti Waákh íyeyyeedo Isaaya layadeeh ka ilaabe,
“Etoo hidaad ka a rirriira.
‘Jiti Kamur ficcha,’#1:23 Isaaya 40:3. iche essa. Eta la a ani.”
24Farissaayotoo lasooergate, 25wihi iche worsatte, “Chirri at Ki Lasubhe ieheynane ommos at eti meel Eliiya gele ieheynane ommos at eti Waákh íyeyyeedo inno sugno ieheynan, a iꞌdohe ꞌdooꞌd ibaattissita?”
26Yoohana wihi us ilaabe, “An bicche enenyet kabaattissiya, iꞌdaasenyi etoo goytiin kijiro atin igaran, a jira. 27Usu a kiiyye dubeey ka yamiite, anna falfihi kobtiissa an jalkhicho ma muꞌdan.”
28Waha tuumman la ilkerengeetti Beꞌdaaniya hawti Yoordane ꞌdusso berihicheenye Yoohana enenyet kabaattissiyo, iche kayitaaheen.
Yoohana Yeesso Heleenki Waakh kawaha
29Ibeenki kaas sooraaho ka, Yoohanahi Enenyet Baattissiyo Yeessohi soosohti arge. Yoohana la wihi us yidah, “Yeya, Heleenki Waakhe uskeeli ꞌdooꞌdi harrata bahcho kalla. 30Kan a eti an woriis kaayyeede, ‘Etoo ꞌdubeey ka a yamiite, ulla a ikaweenyahe iꞌdi tahe us geeddi an idelan laka a jire,’ an atin idowe. 31Ani rubeyteey eti us yahe ma garan. Iꞌdaasenyi wihi ikeene an bicche ꞌdooꞌd kabaattissiyo, a jitoo ꞌdee usu ꞌdooꞌdi Issiraayel liikababbakkaahicho.”
32Yoohana ꞌdeerka runta cheeke, wihi us yidah, “An Rubeyti Munyeenye iꞌdi kutukuurrug u, goobi Waakh katimiyye usu kafiddiite a arge. 33Sag an eti us yahe igardi mele sammata Waakkhi isooergate, ꞌdee ꞌdooꞌd bicche kabaattis iyidah waha ani ikiidaahan, ‘Eti at agarto Rubeyti Munyee goobi Waakh ka isooyagte kafiddiite, usu Rubeyti Munyee ka ꞌdooꞌd baattissiya.’ 34An waha a arge, saggi rumanka us Weeli Waakh iyahe, a cheeka.”
Abattiti oraate Yeesso soobahsate
(Mattaayo 4:18-25, Marko 1:16-20, Luuka 5:1-11)
35Ibeenki kaas sooraaho, Yoohana abattitiistoo lammee khabaayi toro intaase toolla. 36Chirri us Yeessohi kuto arge ka, wihi us yidah, “Yeya, Heleenki Waakh kuulla.”
37Chirri abattita lammee usuhi waha essi daagte ka, Yeesso raahte. 38Yeesso urgiye, ichehi usu sooraahto arge, “Mehe ꞌdoontaan?” worsate.
Iche la, “Eti weenoow, at intoh fiddiita?” worsatte.
39Wihi us ilaabe, “Kaaleya ꞌdee arga.”
ꞌDeerka iratte, meessi us fiddiyo agarte. Wahaas la a geeddi sahaꞌd affarti chirdeereet. Maantaas tuumman usu on leeꞌhadde.
40Reera lammeenye wihi Yoohana essi daage Yeesso raahe, kichokoo a Andereeyahi walaal Siimonhi Beetero layadeeh. 41Wihi kolooraate Andereeya yeele, Siimonhi walaaliisenye yowte, “Ki Lasubhe a ꞌhelle,” iyidah. Ulla a Kiriistohi lasugo. 42Ulla Siimon Yeessó ikeene.
Yeesso la yeye wihi us iyidah, “At a Siimonhi ínam Yoohanee menya? Magahaah kola Keefas iche layadeeh.” Ayta chirri lalaabe a Beetero ommos Daddaab.
Yeesso Fiilif ichoow Naꞌdaanayel waha ꞌdee abattitiis yateehiin
43Ibeenki kaas sooraaho ka, Yeesso usuhi boroofenhi Gaalilaaya irti gooche. Fiilif ꞌhele wihi us iyidah, “Kaale abattiteey ateeh.”
44Fiilif iꞌdi Andereeya ichoow Beeteruu, ullaka ilkerengeetti Bessaayda kayimiy. 45Fiilif Naꞌdaanayel ꞌhele wihi us iyidah, “Nah eti goorat Muusa Chiirnaanneti Amurre ka chiire, ꞌdooꞌdi Waákh íyeyyeedo laka woriis chiireen a ꞌhelle. Ulla a Yeessohi ilkerengeetti Naasarete, a ínam Yuussuf.”
46“Ilkerengeetti Naasaret a! Rumanka wohoo rucchule haaggan intaas a kasoobahaan on a?” Naꞌdaanayel worsate.
Fiilif la wihi us iyidah, “Kaale, isiagar.”
47Chirri Yeesso Naꞌdaanayelhi isoosohti arge ka, wihi usu miinsane us yidah, “Eti rumanka Issiraayelenye wihi beenaat liikaꞌhelin kalla.”
48Naꞌdaanayel la wihi us worsate, “At saggoh ani igaratta?”
Yeesso wihi us ilaabe, “Geeddi Fiilif kiwahin, atihi geeyi fiig iliis fiddiito iche kiarge.”
49Naꞌdaanayel wihi us yidah, “Eti weenoow! Ati Weeli Waakhe. Ati a karnati Issiraayel.”
50Yeesso la wihi us iyidah, “At jeenteti an atihi geeyi fiig iliis fiddiito kiarge kiidahye ani irummeysatta? Wihi wahaas kussan a agarta.” 51Wihi us kakhaye, “Rume atin icheeka, goobi Waakh usuhi furane herti Waakh ínam Aadam isookhubatti toro korto a agarta.”

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Yoohana 1: rel





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