Luke 13
Chapter 13
Jesus warns people to turn away from their sins
1At that time, some people spoke to Jesus. They told him what happened to some people from Galilee. They had been offering animals as a sacrifice to God. Pilate sent some soldiers to kill them. #13:1 Pilate was the Roman ruler of Judea and Jerusalem.
2Jesus replied, ‘Think about those people from Galilee. Perhaps you think that they had done more bad things than other people from Galilee. Do you think that this is why they had to die? 3No! But I tell you this. All of you have done many bad things. So you must change how you live and you must turn to God. If you do not, you will also die as they did.
4You also remember what happened to those 18 people in Siloam. A high building fell down and it killed them. Perhaps you think that they had done more bad things than the other people in Jerusalem. 5But I tell you, no, they had not. All of you have also done many bad things. So you must change how you live and you must turn to God. If you do not, you will also die as they did.’
Jesus' story about a fig tree that has no fruit
6Then Jesus told this story. ‘A man had a garden where he grew fruit. He had planted a fig tree there. But when he came to look for fruit on it, he could not find any. 7So he said to his gardener, “Look, for three years, I have hoped to find fruit on this tree. But I have never found any. So cut the tree down! I do not think that it should be here. It is wasting the ground.”
8The gardener replied, “Master, please leave the tree in the ground for one more year. Let me dig around it and let me put some good soil there. 9If I do that, next year, the fig tree may have some fruit on it. If it does not, I will cut it down for you.” ’
Jesus makes a woman well on the day of rest
10One day, Jesus was teaching in a Jewish meeting place. It was the Jewish day of rest.
11There was a woman there who had a bad spirit inside her. It had lived in her for 18 years and it had made her weak. Her back was bent. She could not stand up straight. 12Jesus saw her and he called her to come to him. He said, ‘Woman, your illness has left you.’ 13He put his hands on her and immediately she could stand up straight. She praised God.
14But the leader of the meeting place was angry because Jesus had made a sick person well on their day of rest. He said to the people there, ‘There are six days each week when we should work. Come on any of those days and get well. But you should not come on our day of rest to get well.’
15The Lord Jesus said to him, ‘You are wrong. You teach one thing but you do something different yourselves. On the day of rest you will undo the rope on your ox or your donkey and take it outside. You then give it water to drink. Is that not true? 16Now look at this woman. She belongs to the family of Abraham. But a bad spirit from the devil has made her ill for 18 years. It is like he has tied her up. So it must be right to make her free on our day of rest.’
17These words made the people who spoke against him feel ashamed. But the other people there were very happy. They were happy because they had seen Jesus do many good and powerful things.
Jesus tells stories about seeds and yeast
18Then Jesus said to them, ‘I will tell you a story about the kingdom of God to show what it is like. 19It is like a very small seed of the mustard plant. A man took this seed and he planted it in his garden. The seed grew and it became a tree. It was so big that birds came and made their nests among its branches.’
20Jesus then said, ‘Here is another example of what the kingdom of God is like. 21It is like how yeast works. A woman took some of it and she mixed it into three large bowls of flour. Then the yeast caused all the flour to become very big.’
Jesus' story about a narrow door
22Jesus was continuing his journey towards Jerusalem. On the way, he went through towns and villages. In each one, he taught the people. 23One day, somebody asked him, ‘Sir, will God save only a small number of people?’
24Jesus said to the people there, ‘Do your best to go in through the narrow door. I tell you that many people will want to get in there. But they will not be able to go through it. 25Soon the master of the house will get up and he will shut the door. And then you may still be standing outside the door. You will knock and you will say, “Master, please open the door for us to come in.”
But the master will reply, “I do not know you. I do not know where you come from.” 26Then you will begin to say, “But Master, we had meals with you. You taught us in the streets of our villages.”
27But he will tell you, “No! I really do not know you. I do not know where you come from. You have done evil things, so go away from me, all of you!”
28Then you will weep very much because you are standing outside. You will bite your teeth together. #13:28 Biting their teeth together may have shown that they were angry. Or it may have shown they were in much pain. You will see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the place where God rules. You will also see all God's prophets there. But God will shut you outside. 29At that time, people will come from everywhere in the world, from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south. They will all come to take their place in the kingdom of God. There they will sit down together to eat a great meal. 30Listen! At that time, some people that are not important now will become the most important. And some people that are now the most important will not be important then.’
Jesus is very sad about Jerusalem's people
31At that moment, some Pharisees came to Jesus. They said to him, ‘Go away from here, because Herod wants to kill you.’
32Jesus replied, ‘Herod is a bad man. Tell him this: “I am still causing bad spirits to come out of people. I am still making sick people well again. I will continue to do all these things for some more days. On the third day I will have finished my work.” 33Anyway, I need to continue my journey for some more days. If they want to kill one of God's prophets, it has to happen in Jerusalem.
34Jerusalem, Jerusalem! Your people have killed God's prophets. And they have thrown stones to kill other people that God has sent to you. Many times, I have wanted to bring all of your people near to me. A female bird covers her babies with her body to make them safe. But you would not let me keep you from danger like that. 35So listen! God will leave your city. #13:35 God will go away from his temple in Jerusalem. He will no longer protect Jerusalem's people from danger. I tell you this. You will not see me again until the day when you say, “May the Lord God bless the man who comes with his authority!” ’
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Luke 13: EASY

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