Psalm 103:10 ಗೆ ಸಂಬಂಧಿಸಿದ ಉಚಿತ ಓದುವ ಯೋಜನೆಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಆರಾಧನೆಗಳು

Not Afraid From Red Rocks Worship
3 Days
Fear - a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined. When we look to God and remember what He has done in our lives, we can walk confidently through our circumstance and know that he is always with us. Here are some reminders of who God is and that will build your faith and leave no room for fear. -Red Rocks Worship

The Calm: Live Each Day in the Calm Amid the Storm
3 Days
Does anxiety haunt you? Are you ever jolted awake from a sound sleep? Maybe you are driving along, a thought crosses your mind, and immediately anxiousness grips your soul. What storms of anxiety overtake you without warning? Jesus tells us, “Be still.” Easier said than done? This 3-day plan will help us learn to live in the calm amidst the storms that rage within our soul and our lives.

It Is Well
3 Days
Lots of people are simply making it. They are not thriving at life–they are just surviving life. Do you find yourself in that group–the group that is just surviving? There is a way to thrive no matter what your circumstances may be. The Bible calls it an “overcoming spirit.”

Repentance: A Terrifying Threat or a Loving Invitation?
3 Days
Unfortunately for many of us, the word repentance conjures up the image of a zealous street preacher waving a “turn or burn” poster, imposing on his frightened audience the threat of eternal damnation. Fortunately, there is a better way to look at repentance.

Moments for Mums: When We Make Mistakes – Part 2
3 Days
We are all keenly aware that we are not perfect and mess up often. Adding parenting to this seems to make it even more apparent. These devotions remind us of the freedom Jesus bought for us and how accepting God’s mercy for ourselves helps us to show mercy to others. Moments for Mums: Encouragement for mums in the midst of the beautiful mess of parenting and life.

Beginning Forgiveness Journey
3 Days
Hey, who hasn't been hurt in life? Who hasn't felt let down? When we invest ourselves in deep personal relationships, we open our souls to the wounds of another’s disloyalty or even betrayal. So, why is forgiveness crucial, and how can we start the first step of our forgiveness journey? In this short 3-day Bible Plan, we will dwell on how we start our first step.

Sharing Your Story
3 Days
God is at work in our lives every day. We have so many stories to tell. Our stories build bridges that help people relate to the gospel, they remind us to rely on His power, not our own, and they stir up our hearts in praise. Check out this short plan for some inspiration to share your story.

The Overcoming Life With Jimmy Evans
4 days
What gets in your way from claiming victory as a Christian? Fear? Rejection? Shame? Doubt? I know what it's like to be defeated, but I also know what it is to overcome struggles that once held me. If you are committed to a life of faith and partnering with Jesus, I will share how God and the application of His Word lead all Christians to the victorious and overcoming life.

Personal Forgiveness
4 Days
A look at personal forgiveness and its powerful role in victorious living.

KNOW 1 Thessalonians
4 Days
This plan will explore what the letter of 1 Thessalonians teaches us in four major areas. 1) WHO GOD IS: God’s character and nature 2) WHO WE ARE: the identity of humanity and/or believers 3) WHAT WE BELIEVE: core Christian doctrines 4) HOW WE LIVE: putting faith into action

Building a Stronger Faith With the Psalms
4 Days
A strong faith can feel impossible when you are overwhelmed with doubts and questions. That kind of faith seems impossible today. But, what if you didn't have to wait for that day? What if it were available now? Today, you can build a stronger faith when you follow the pattern found in the Psalms. This plan will show you how faith and doubt can co-exist together.

Self-Harm And God's Love
5 Days
This devotional takes an honest, compassionate and loving approach to the emotional challenges of self-harm. We look at why it happens and how God is ready to walk with us in order to redirect the pain and start healing from the inside out. Learn how Jesus knows our pain and wants to help us find true hope and joy.

5 Days To Victorious Fasting
5 Days
5 days and 5 steps to fasting and loving it! Learn how to fast and pray with joy, power, and miraculous results. You can live a lifestyle of fasting and prayer, and it can be easy!

The Total Forgiveness Workout
5 days
What does it mean to forgive? How do I forgive myself and my past sinful behavior? Has God forgiven me? In this Abide plan, we will see how forgiveness has the power to connect us to God, restore broken relationships, and heal the hurt in our own lives.

Daily Strength For Men: Work
5 days
Men face challenges to their faith at work and at home. This reading plan offers a daily dose of wisdom for men who seek to draw strength from God’s Word. Daily Strength For Men: Work will equip you to walk faithfully with God—the source of your endurance.

The Essential 100® Bible Challenge–9–Psalms And Proverbs
5 days
The Essential 100® Bible Challenge is a simple tool to read through the Big Story of God's Word. The reading plan is based on 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament passages. Continue with the ninth part "Psalms and Proverbs." ®Produced by American Bible Society in partnership with Scripture Union, Inc.

Psalms 103
5 Days
If there would be a psalm that you could call your life psalm—the foundation of your life—it could be Psalm 103. It teaches us how to handle life in general. It gives us the key to deal with every circumstance no matter what it may be. And if that is not enough, it gives us a glimpse of the extent the work of Christ will have over humanity.

Trapped by Guilt
5 Days
Do you ever feel like life is one big guilt trip? We learn to hide guilt well and keep moving forward, but it’s always there distracting us from the freedom and grace that God offers. This 5-day plan explores God’s plan for guilt and helps us unleash the control it has over our lives. No longer do we have to live crippled by feelings of guilt.

P. R. A. Y. Pause. Reflect. Ask. Yield.
5 Days
In a fast-paced and frenzied world, it's important to take time each day to Pause, Reflect, Ask, and Yield (P.R.A.Y.); to slow down and breathe in the blessings of the Spirit; to set our hearts and eyes on Jesus and to join with the Lord in pouring compassion on his beloved children.

Bouncing Back From Failure
5 Days
How do you bounce back when you've messed up? How do you not get stuck in the rut of failure? Scripture is filled with stories of people who God restored after they experienced failure ... David, Moses, Peter, and the prodigal son are just a few examples. Begin this 5-day devotional and learn how to bounce back from failure and steps to take to forgive yourself.

Your God-Given Value
5 Days
It is not an easy task to understand our importance as viewed in God’s eyes, nor the depth or complexity of the love that He has for us. This 5-Day Devotional is designed to help you view yourself more closely to the way your Creator views you – with love, value, and worth.

Relationship Lessons From Leah and Rachel's Family Life
5 Days
The story of the first and only sister-wives recorded in the Bible teaches us that the challenges we face in relationships are not new and God's standard is perfect. This 5-day plan addresses how to avoid unnecessary heartaches and overcome the comparison trap in relationships.

Fake It Until You Don't Make It
5 Days
We often hear people say, "Fake it until you make it". Have you ever tried it, only to find yourself exposed and vulnerable in the end? In this plan, we will explore moments like that in Jacob's life. I hope that the next few days will inspire you to live more authentically in Christ.

Raw Prayers: Praying Through Our Sin
5 Days
Life is not easy, and along with the hard days come many negative emotions. Generally, we deal with them by venting, stewing, or hiding. Did you know that many of the Psalms are prayers born out of these strong emotions? These reading plans will explore the raw and honest prayers of fear, pain, guilt, and doubt found in the Psalms, teaching us how to share these feelings with the Lord.

We Believe: Who Is the Holy Spirit?
5 Days
What do Christians believe? Division and controversy seem to be rampant today, but for 2,000 years, Christ-followers have been unified in belief. The oldest confession of faith, the Apostles’ Creed, reminds and teaches us what we believe. In this reading plan, take a fresh look at the Apostles Creed, discovering the major beliefs of Christianity and how the Creed prepares us to share what we believe.