Job 1:1 ಗೆ ಸಂಬಂಧಿಸಿದ ಉಚಿತ ಓದುವ ಯೋಜನೆಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಆರಾಧನೆಗಳು

Resilient: A Study for Men
4 Days
This four-day devotional for men examines the stories of four different men in the Bible—Job, Jacob, Joseph, and Jesus. Discover where true resilience, strength, and endurance come from, what it looks like to walk in them, and how we can follow the example of these men.

Jesus Over Results
5 Days
What do you do when the results of your life don’t turn out the way you planned for them to? Do you have a hard time struggling between owning the results of your life and trusting Jesus with the results?

5 Days to Becoming a More Effective Leader
5 Days
What does every leader want more than anything else? Results! Every leader wants to know their service means something; that their life has not been wasted; that they have not just been marking time or filling a post. Pastor Mark Croston guides us to understand how God-centered leadership always yields big results.

Big and Small
5 Days
I love Rube Goldberg machines. They are elaborate, complicated systems that accomplish simple tasks. Usually they are many small things that work toward one bigger goal, but sometimes they can be a few big things that do something small.

Good Grief: Learning to Lament With Job
5 Days
We all experience great loss- the loss of a relationship, a job, a loved one, or simply the loss of life as it once was. We’re sure that life is not supposed to be this way and so we grieve and mourn for what could have been. Join us for a 5-part plan that will help us learn the language and heart of lament in Scripture.

But God: The Power of Hope When Catastrophe Crashes In
5 Days
Whatever sorrow you're walking through, this plan leads you to the sweetness found in trusting God with suffering--and the deeper faith that comes from seeing His purpose in the pain.

Sacred Suffering - a Study on the Book of Job
5 Days
“Why?” In suffering, this one-word prayer is packed with emotion. As we study the book of Job, we will reflect upon God’s character and learn that He is worthy of our trust, no matter the circumstance. We will behold God’s ultimate provision in Christ and remember that nothing—no tragedy or hardship—can separate us from His love. By studying Job, we will learn that God is enough.

Hope Beyond Disappointment
5 Days
Hope Beyond Disappointment offers encouragement and practical wisdom for those navigating life's setbacks. In this Devotional, you'll explore Biblical stories of those who faced profound disappointment but experienced restoration and hope. Through the journeys of Job, Daniel, and others, you’ll discover how God uses life's challenges to strengthen your faith and reveal His Glory. If you're in a season of discouragement, this Plan will help you move from feeling defeated to embracing the hope that God is with you, restoring, and preparing you for victory. Stay faithful—your greatest breakthrough is just ahead.

God Is in the Multiplication Business
6 Days
Most of us have had good times and lean times in our life – some more lean than others! But it’s important to remember that God is always a God of multiplication, not subtraction, and He always wants to increase you. These six devotionals can help you take hold by faith of His abundant provision for your life.

The Paradox Of Job’s Suffering
6 Days
The highest integrity, the greatest blessings, God’s pride on earth. Job was all of it. Yet suddenly his fortunes turned and sped downhill. Children, possessions swept off in a few quick strokes. Was it a one-time situation or is it an example that any or many of us as children of God can expect to some extent? What is the message for us?

BibleProject | Trusting God Through Suffering
6 Days
How can we trust God even when we suffer unfairly? Join us for this six-day reading plan to reflect on Job’s story and discover what it looks like to trust God's wisdom even as we face difficult times.

When Life Hurts
6 Days
How do you navigate the heartache in your life when you can’t control it or make sense of it? This reading plan offers hope.

Relating With Women Of The Bible
7 Days
In the midst of hurts, challenges of subservient status, insecurities, and longing for love and acceptance, the Women of the Bible reveal the current quandaries of today’s women. Separated by ages past, their emotions were real and their ordeals just as relevant now. As in the author’s life, let the Women of the Bible bring you to a place of healing, encouragement, self-examination, and affirmation of God’s love for you.

Enduring With Job: 7 Days Of Hope
7 Days
Suffering is the one experience which binds all of humankind together. But why does it exist? What purpose does it serve? Like so many of us, Job was a person who didn’t deserve the immense pain that entered his life. It was at his lowest point when God showed up and provided one of the most challenging and powerful answers to the problem of pain the world has ever heard.

Finding Christ in the Struggle: Encouragement for Those With Chronic Illness
7 Days
This chronic illness battle can feel exhausting and, at times, defeating. In our daily struggle, we struggle, we might feel isolated and alone. While our emotions are valid, the truth is, God stands with us. He sees our hurts, our challenges, our fears, and our hopes. May this plan remind you of His steadfast love and faithful presence. Written by Victoria Mejias and edited by Karen Greer and Jennifer Slattery

Allowing Adversity to Change Your Perspective
7 Days
The book of Job, one of the earliest stories in human history, is a foundational exploration of what it means to be human, how to relate to an almighty God, and how to navigate the challenging and, at times, even tragic circumstances of daily life. This seven-part series explores insights from Job and how to apply them to what we decide today.

Becoming a Praying Father
8 Days
Being a father who prays isn’t the same thing as being a praying father. A father who prays takes actions. A praying father builds godly character. He’s in a constant and authentic exchange with a real and present God. This can be more easily said than done, but do it we must. Join us on a fatherhood journey as we learn how to be praying fathers who impact future generations.

8 Biblical Challenges for Fathers
8 Days
What does it mean to be a dad? What does the Bible say about fatherhood? How can fathers better lead their families? This devotional is curated from Father's Day sermons by Dr. Jim Denison. Dr. Denison has been married for over forty years to his wife, Janet, and works closely with his two sons. Dive into his pastoral advice as he illuminates Scripture in a timely way.

Trusting God in the Storm
9 Days
When life hits like a tornado, where do we go? When we’re anxious about the future, to whom do we turn? Over thousands of years, God’s people have faced setbacks, even disasters. Their experiences show us ways we can respond and how our faith in God can remain intact—and maybe get even more real.

Job And The Question Of Suffering
10 Days
The book of Job is perhaps the oldest book in the Bible and is part of the wisdom books. Whether it is historically true, that is not the most important question. The story of the wealthy Job who gets all conceivable misery invites you to think about suffering and how you deal with it. In the following ten days, you will walk through the main headlines of this fascinating book.

Focus on the Fundamentals
10 Days
How do sports players prepare for the big game? How do those in the military stay ready for war? They focus on the daily disciplines and routines that keep them in a state of readiness. As Christians, we are in a spiritual war and cannot be passive. There are key daily disciplines that we need to do, and these practices are found in the Armor of God.

Revive My Heart
10 Days
Beloved Bible teacher Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth invites you to linger for a few meaningful moments in the presence of God. This 10-day devotional provides fresh opportunities to savor the Scripture and soak in the beauty and life-giving truth of Christ. As you seek Him, you’ll be able to face whatever your day may bring, with a revived heart.

10 ENCOURAGING Reasons for Trials
13 Days
What if I told you that the trials you are facing may not be your fault? In this 13-day plan, we explore 10 reasons for affliction outside of punishment of your sin. Our trials have great value, and perhaps are even priceless, as there may be no greater teacher! Learn how God shows His loving hand by using your trials to bless you and to bless others.

Delve Into The Writings
16 Days
The Old Testament is divided into thee major parts, the third of which is known as the Writings. The Writings encompass a wide range of genres, traditions, and time periods, including poetry, songs, history, and wisdom literature. This reading plan guides you through the Writings, exploring the theological and literary richness of this part of God's Word.