Galatians 4:6 ಗೆ ಸಂಬಂಧಿಸಿದ ಉಚಿತ ಓದುವ ಯೋಜನೆಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಆರಾಧನೆಗಳು

3 Days
Rebellion is a spirit whose purpose is to cause the believer to use their pride as a catalyst to hurt and mislead others. Pride births rebellion and rebellion miscarries purpose. This three day plan will help you identify the spirit of rebellion and how to use the power Christ has given you to have victory over rebellion.

Catechism: For Real?
3 Days
We've heard our identity and worth are rooted in being children of God, but how can we be sure, and what does that mean? In this 3-day Bible Plan, part 3 of 4, designed to go along with the Catechism 'Who Am I' small group series, you will explore how to walk in confidence as a child of God, deeply loved and forgiven, and free to live a new life!

3 Day Pro-Life Devotional
3 Days
This is a 3-day devotional to help you learn the heart of God: to know what He loves, what He hates, and how we as believers should respond to the issue of abortion today. Created by Citizens For Life, an organization that exists to reform culture to a Pro-Life culture by education, legislation, and adoption.

4 Days
Unchained is for Christians who don’t feel grace has changed their lives—and why it has.

Galatians 4: Seize the Day
4 Days
Jesus Christ has a right to be God’s heir and to receive the inheritance. We do not. We enjoy this wonderful prospect and promise only by God’s grace. It is only because He has brought us into His family that we are joint-heirs with Christ.

KNOW Galatians
4 Days
This plan will explore what the letter of Galatians teaches us in four major areas. 1) WHO GOD IS: God’s character and nature 2) WHO WE ARE: the identity of humanity and/or believers 3) WHAT WE BELIEVE: core Christian doctrines 4) HOW WE LIVE: putting faith into action

Sonship - Understanding the Believer's Identity in Christ
4 Days
The position of a believer is that of Sonship. As Sons of God, we have been given access to everything in heaven and on earth. Every believer has been accepted into the beloved. This 4-day plan explains the sonship that we have received through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Choose: Deciding What to Do With What Jesus Did
4 Days
God does all the heavy lifting in our relationship with Him. He sent Jesus to save us. He gives us the faith to believe. He gives us the ability and desire to obey, but He doesn't make us do anything. To experience God, we must choose Jesus. When we do, God saves us, sets us apart, helps us grow, and rewards our surrender with an inheritance that never fades.

Suffering and God’s Love: A Moving Works Study
5 Days
Have you ever doubted God’s goodness during difficult seasons? It’s easy to forget the unchangeable nature of God in the midst of pain or waiting. Based on the Moving Works’ film, Chloe, this 5-day study takes you on a journey with Walt and Annie as they struggle through infertility and the doubts that accompany it. This series will remind you of God’s love, sovereignty, and faithfulness through Jesus Christ.

Your Purpose Stands Regardless Of Your Past
5 Days
Many of us have been there: broken, hurting, full of sorrow, ashamed. The list goes on. But out of this place God longs to restore and redeem us, regardless of our past. This journey will bring you from a place of questioning your future to one of hopeful purpose!

Your Journey With God
5 Days
Every journey has a starting point that leads toward a desired destination. Your WALK with God is the same. You learn about the role of faith, God’s grace, deepening your relationship with Him, setting aside worry and more. In this 5-day audio plan, you will hear ideas on how to be responsive to what God wants you to focus on and do.

Be Encouraged
5 Days
This 5-day reading plan is to find passages that will remind us that we can equip ourselves to face daily burdens, as well as life’s darkest seasons. Read along to seek not the right answers but faithful comfort in the Scriptures.

Secure Salvation by Pete Briscoe
5 Days
Do you believe your salvation is secure? Or do you find yourself worrying at times that you might have done something to lose it? In this 5-day reading plan Pete Briscoe teaches from Scripture to show you why you can have faith and trust that God will keep His promise of salvation.

Pentecost: The First Great Awakening
5 Days
The Holy Spirit who worked in and through the members of the early Church is the same Holy Spirit who works in and through members of the Church today. Their story is our history, one we can draw on and learn from as we execute the mission we’ve been given as followers of Jesus Christ.

Grace In Galatians
5 Days
Are you caught up in doing good deeds, but missing the gospel of faith? Are you feeling discouraged by faith based in works? Paul addresses this exact issue in Galatians and explores the foundational truth of the freedom of faith in Jesus Christ. Galatians offers a celebration of the freedom of grace and re-centers your focus on the law of love in God in three parts: the gospel of grace defined, the gospel of grace examined and the gospel of grace applied.

Christ In You: Living Into Your Life's Purpose
5 Days
You’re made for a purpose. As Jesus Christ dwells with you and lives in you, He also equips you to fully embrace your life's purpose. In this plan, you'll discover what the Bible says about how God intends to work through you—and how He wants to use you to shine His life into a world desperate for what can only be found in Him.

9 Common Lies Christians Believe
5 Days
Maybe God isn’t who you think He is. Maybe He’s much better. This devotional will help identify some Christian clichés we’ve all heard that are actually unbiblical lies. These clichés may seem innocent, but are harmful to our faith and keep far too many believers stuck in spiritual immaturity. Learn to encounter these lies is with the truths about God in the Bible, that bring encouragement and freedom to our lives.

How Christ Offers Freedom From Pornography
5 days
This study will look at how God leads us out of sin and towards a better life.

Best Practices For Female Leaders
5 Days
As female leaders, we hold several keys to unlocking our own greatest purpose and potential. Filled with insights from female leaders across the globe, as well as my own personal insights and learnings, this reading plan will walk women through five of the best practices that will unlock doors for them, and take them higher than they thought they could go!

Christmas by Sandra McCracken
5 Days
Christmas is a reminder. It pulls us back to the center, to what matters most and where we belong. In the broken places, in the waiting, in the hoping, we are not alone. God has come to dwell with us. In this 5-day devotional, journey with Sandra as we pair scripture with classic hymns and songs from her new album, “Christmas.”

Uncommon Ground 5-Day Devotional by Tim Keller and John Inazu
5 Days
This 5-day devotional reminds Christians how they can respectfully interact with people whose beliefs are radically different and remain faithful to the gospel. Through prayer you will learn how to think deeply and working daily to live with humility, patience, and tolerance in our time.

Living Unbroken: Reclaiming Your Life and Heart After Divorce
5 Days
This reading plan by Tracie Miles takes a deep dive into understanding and overcoming the emotional toll divorce, separation, and the loss of a serious long-term relationship has on a woman’s well-being. Tracie Miles leads women on a powerful, life-changing journey that provides much-needed hope, encouragement, and practical guidance for living their best life even if it’s not the life they once imagined.

Grave - 5-Day Devotional
5 Days
We all walk through dark times in our lives, but God has promised to bring us through to the light. He uses everything we go through to point us to the hope of resurrection.

Real Hope: Welcome Home
5 Days
No matter what your earthly experience of family has been, you have a heavenly family created for all. Yes we all have our complexities and differences but what unites us is our faith and love for our Heavenly Father. This plan explores what it means to be part of a heavenly family.

Jesus, Our Risen Savior: An Easter Family Devotional
5 Days
How is your family preparing for Easter? Through this short and sweet devotional (especially helpful if you’re teaching little ones with short attention spans), Scott James brings to light the many things that Christ’s life and resurrection means for us not only through the season of Lent, but all year long.