Daniel 9:3 ಗೆ ಸಂಬಂಧಿಸಿದ ಉಚಿತ ಓದುವ ಯೋಜನೆಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಆರಾಧನೆಗಳು

The Daniel Difference
5 Days
The Daniel Difference challenges readers to be a pray-er in the midst of their busy and distracted life. Key Scripture passages from the book of Daniel model the determination and devotion seen in Daniel's life. May this biblical wisdom inspire each reader to make a decision to schedule prayer and grow in obedience to God.

Turning Ashes Into Beauty
5 Days
Life is messy! Sometimes we need to own the messiness; sometimes, it is just part of living in a sinful world. God takes the struggles and hardships of this world and redeems them. We need to know this truth that God is faithfully at work as we encounter our world. Join Anne Farnum over the next five days and discover what to do with the ashes you hold.

Come Home: Tracing God's Promise of Home Through Scripture
6 Days
From humanity’s first home to our eternal one, we see God drawing near to abide with us. In this 6-day reading plan from Caroline Saunders, you will find that even the best aspects of home here are just a glimmer of what God is building for us through Christ. Our longing for home is good and purposeful, pointing us to our truest home found in Him.

Life-Changing Prayers By Michael Youssef
7 Days
Life-Changing Prayers - A Seven-Day YouVersion by Michael Youssef. God loves using ordinary people like you and me in extraordinary ways. But there’s one factor that makes God’s “ordinary heroes” stand out: they are people of prayer. In the days ahead, we’re going to listen in on seven simple, life-changing prayers from ordinary heroes of the Bible. Once we learn to pray as these men and women prayed, our lives and our world will never be the same.

Fasting: A Posture of Surrender Focused on God
7 Days
With the rise in popularity of intermittent fasting, has the practice of fasting essentially become a worldly endeavor focused on improved health? In an attempt to answer this question, we will look closer at what Scripture has to say about fasting, what circumstances led God's people into a time of fasting, and what these examples might mean for you and me today in our pursuit of becoming more like Jesus.

Learning Daniel's Prayer Secrets
7 Days
Do you sometimes want to pray more impactful prayers? Perhaps like Bible characters who saw real breakthroughs and miracles in their lives? This 7-day plan looks at Daniel and his distinguished character, lifestyle and prayer life at the court of Babylon. God entrusted Daniel with many heavenly revelations of the end times! If you desire to live and pray like Daniel, this plan is for you!

Exploring Prayers in the Bible
7 Days
Let's have some fun exploring the different ways we can pray. This devotional series will focus on prayers in the Bible. Each day, we'll look at a scripture passage and a prayer practice inspired by that passage. It is a great way to grow in your prayer practice and get closer to Jesus!

The Main Characters of the Christmas Story
7 Days
When we think of the Christmas story, often our minds go to Jesus first. While he is the main figure of Christmas, who are all of the people who were part of the story? What can we learn about them, and how do their individual stories point to a bigger picture?

Patience: God's Wisdom for Moms
8 Days
The greatest call for Christian moms is to know God and help others know Him, too. The readings in this 8-day plan are selected from the NIV Mom's Devotional Bible, offering encouragement and a wise perspective as you seek to grow in the area of patience and godly character.

Fresh Start With God
8 Days
The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that God promises a fresh start to anyone. Through Jesus Christ, we can have forgiveness, freedom and a future filled with hope and purpose. This 8-day reading plan will help you discover foundational truths from God's Word and give you practical steps to help you grow and become all that God created you to be.

Discover Your Soul's Path to God
10 Days
Ten-day devotional based on Gary Thomas’ video, Bible study Sacred Pathways: Nine Ways to Connect with God. These devotions explore a biblical approach to how people connect to God and will guide you in discovering your spiritual temperament. Begin the journey of developing new ways to draw near to God and worship him.

Heaven Rules
10 Days
Do you truly believe God is in control of everything? Do you live as though you believe it? In this 10-day devotional, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth gives you glimpses of the life of Daniel and what it means to trust that “Heaven rules.” Discover the comfort and courage found when you live under the promise that God is in control.

Our Daily Bread University – Old Testament Basics
10 Days
This study of the Old Testament will help you understand how all the stories fit together and what lessons can be applied to your life today. You will better understand how God graciously reaches out to you, His child, and calls you to Himself just as He did to His people in the Old Testament.

Ancient of Days: A Study in Daniel
13 Days
The book of Daniel chronicles the stories and visions of the exiled prophet during his life in Babylon. Although faced with devastating exile, the characters of Daniel choose to be faithful to God no matter the cost. Daniel’s life and visions remind us that God Himself orders peoples, nations, and history, orchestrating His people’s redemption and His imminent return.

Daniel Book Study - TheStory
14 Days
Study the book of Daniel with theStory. There is nothing quite like the book of Daniel anywhere else in the Bible. Half of it is taken up with stories about Jews in Babylonian and Persian courts, the other half with dreams and visions. This 2 week Book Study of Daniel covers chapters 1-9 (the last 3 chapters are really hard for devotional reflection - but you’ll see on day 14 we give suggestions for further study).

Pray and Work, the Inspiring Example of Nehemiah
16 Days
Sometimes we face difficult, seemingly hopeless situations. How can we deal with them? Take an example from Nehemiah, who changed his people's situation for the better through prayer and work. Both were necessary, and they still are!

Serving God in a Hostile Environment. The Example of Daniel and His Friends
17 Days
The book of Daniel tells us about four young Jewish men who were taken captive by the Babylonian king to serve him. In their new and hostile environment, these youths remained faithful to their God and bore a powerful witness to people around them. Their stories contain valuable lessons for us, since we too are living in a world that is often antagonistic towards God.

Daniel P2: Serving Only God
20 Days
In this Part 2 of Daniel, we continue to see him live following the One True God as an alien and foreigner in Babylon. As we read his story, we can learn how we too can follow well in our own context. Let's be challenged together by this Godly man.

Unquestionable Character: A 21-day Study in Stewardship.
21 Days
God calls us to live a life of good character. But what does that actually look like? Through this plan’s devotional content and brief Scripture readings, you’ll encounter men and women of Godly character, and you’ll discover the relationship between character and stewardship.

Open Heaven: 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer
21 Days
We invite you on a 21-day journey towards an Open Heaven with this devotional plan. God desires for us to lead a life of purpose, victory and abundance. This plan by Victory Family Centre Singapore will take you through 21 days of seeking Him and seeing an Open Heaven over your life.

21 days - Fasting & Prayer
21 Days
Taking time as an individual or group to fast and pray is a biblical principle. People who fasted in the Bible experienced amazing breakthroughs. With this reading plan, we want to guide and support you in your period of fasting.

Open Heaven | 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
21 Days
As we begin a new year and come before God in the next 21 days of fasting and prayer, God will renew our faith, launch new dreams, and release us into our destiny. Our theme for these 21 days is ‘Open Heaven’. Under an Open Heaven, there’s a greater sense of God’s presence, clarity in hearing His voice, and a release of His favour and power on our lives.

Courageous Prayer
21 Days
Join us in this 21 day prayer devotional, as we look at the principles of prayer as shown through the book and life of Daniel. Throughout this devotional we will have 'selah' moments of pause and reflection.

Elijah. Man of Courage, Man of Faith, Man of God.
22 Days
The Bible is full of stories about people who try to live to God's glory - with ups and downs. Elijah is such a man. He is a prophet who serves God wholeheartedly, but is also prone to despondency and depression. He confronts the king fearlessly, but flees from the queen. And in all this, God continues to care for His servant.

24 Days
A great way to build your prayer life is to learn from the prayers of others. This plan lets us listen in on prayers from Bible heroes in different situations and for different purposes, and is designed to accompany the message series Pray by Craig Groeschel. (You can watch it online at life.church) Don't pray alone; study this content together with your small group.