21 Days To Beat Depressionគំរូ

21 Days To Beat Depression

ថ្ងៃទី 19 ក្នុងចំណោម 21 ថ្ងៃ

Never underestimate the importance of righteous living in your determination to be a joy filled Christian.

The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is filled with God’s opinion on the importance of living a righteous life. This is not about legalism or bondage but is about the decision to align your life with the principles in the Word of God.

Righteousness is simply living your life in submission to God’s ways. Today would be a great time to ask God to reveal anything in your life that needs to change.

Sin is a thief that targets the valuables which will determine your potential to live an abundant, joy-filled life. If Satan can keep you in a place of sin or compromise, you will find it much harder to live a life of heaven’s joy.

We want the joy without having to give up gossiping, fantasy and selfishness. I can tell you from personal experience that you can’t have sin and joy at the same time.

God doesn’t want you miserable... He wants you filled with the joy of His presence! We can all determine to demolish the momentary pleasures of sin in order to be blessed with the joy of His presence!

Practical Application:

1- In what ways have you been compromising your life with sin? Write those things down, repent for each one and throw that piece of paper away! Today is a new day and God loves to help us overcome!

2- Joy and thanksgiving are not far apart! Thankful people happen to be the most joyful people alive! Write three things in your “Thanksgiving” journal and share it on social media. #beatdepression!


I will no longer be in bondage to sin. I will live a life of righteousness and joy! I will live my life in alignment with the Word of God!


“Jesus, I know that I have sinned and disappointed you. Please forgive me. I need You in order to overcome the sins of my flesh. Thank You for giving to me Your power. Amen.”


ថ្ងៃ 18ថ្ងៃ 20


21 Days To Beat Depression

"21 Days to Beat Depression" is a Biblical approach to battling the torment of emotional depression. It is designed to help you fight depression with the healing power of the Bible, worship and serving others. Psychologists have determined that it takes 21 days to break or build a habit. I believe as you faithfully follow this plan for 21 days that God will do a miracle in your soul!
