Pause: A Month of Prayer in Five Minutes a Dayគំរូ

Pause: A Month of Prayer in Five Minutes a Day

ថ្ងៃទី 1 ក្នុងចំណោម 30 ថ្ងៃ

Thank you for choosing to read Pause! This journey will be unlike anything you've ever experienced because each day has the same template to help you find a rhythm and cadence as you journey through the month: Proclaim, Prompt, Prod, Praise, and Pray.

Proclaim: Each day, you will read the verse from our theme passage in Philippians. Read it at least once and read it OUT LOUD. I hope by the second or third week, you will have it memorized and can begin reciting it throughout your day as you need to. This passage is meant to become your foundation - you will read it every day for the whole month!

Prompt: This is the devotional for the day. It’s usually only about 150 words, give or take - just enough to provide the concept, encouragement, teaching, or guidance you might need for the day. Use it as a launching pad, not a destination. My goal was to plant some ideas, share some insights, and let the Holy Spirit activate in you how this applies to what you are currently experiencing in your life.

Prod: This is an activation question I will ask you to respond to. I encourage you to write down your responses, thoughts, prayers, ideas, confessions, or whatever you'd like. Wherever you write it, make it your own and take action! Fill up the pages with what God reveals to you! That’s where change begins, and hope is activated!

Praise: This is a song I want you to listen to. You can listen to it while you read, listen on the way to work -listen any way you want. I suggest listening to the song with headphones on or loud in your car WHILE you pray to close each day’s devo (more on that in the next section). This will help you hear the words, engage with the Holy Spirit, and truly have a moment with God. I am convinced that God wants to spend alone time with you each day. Even if it’s just these five minutes, He longs to give you the hope you need not just to survive the day but, to conquer it!

Pray: Every day closes with a prayer to get you going. Make this prayer your own! Don’t just recite it—make it personal. I’ve tried to provide a prayer path for those who might be new to praying, but even so, remember God wants a relationship with you, so talk with Him and make it personal. God does not desire you to pray perfect, eloquent, religious prayers. He wants to hear your heart, requests, and gratitude to fill you with the POWER to live in freedom! God loves you!

Got it? Great! Let's start with Day 1:


“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Phil. 4:6)


I have a secret. It’s a secret about finding longevity in your walk with God. A secret that can help you put down ever-deeper roots in your relationship with your Creator.

That secret is passion.

When you serve God with passion, your entire being awakens to your purpose. This is why we’re here! We exist to serve Jesus and build his Kingdom on earth—right now—alongside him!

But you can’t just manufacture passion on a whim. It’s not a feeling you can just make happen on your own. It takes prayer. It takes time alone with God. It takes building a relationship with your Creator.

Prayer activates your passion. Passion activates your faith. Faith activates the faith in others!

Want to live a passionate life? Live a prayerful life. Let’s start today.


On a scale from 1 to 10, where would you rank your passion today?

How can you activate your passion through prayer today?


Listen to “This Is a Move” by Brandon Lake


Jesus, thank you for the purpose you’ve given me! Activate my passion for you today so that I can give you every part of me. I need you. I confess I am nothing without you. Today, help me to MOVE in faith. Activate my soul through the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.


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Pause: A Month of Prayer in Five Minutes a Day

Depression. Loneliness. Comparison. Greed. Addiction. People-pleasing. These are tools of the enemy to steal your calling and rob your joy. In this reading plan, drawn from his book, Lance Lang invites you to neutralize those tools by pausing each day, studying scripture, reading encouragement, taking action, and refocusing your attention on Jesus. Press forward into what God has for you. Press pause.
