Forgiveness God's Wayគំរូ

Forgiveness God's Way

ថ្ងៃទី 3 ក្នុងចំណោម 7 ថ្ងៃ

Day 3: Your Sins Are Blotted Out and Forgotten

Today is a reminder to us that the blessing and gift of forgiveness ensures that God blots out and forgets our sins. All have sinned and continue to sin, but we have been redeemed and transitioned from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. Although we are redeemed from sin to grace, we are all prone to sin, but we no longer live a life of habitual sin. Therefore, we are not sinners because sinning is not our lifestyle, but neither are we sinless. Hence, we need God’s forgiveness when we sin.

Think of the many times — saved or unsaved — you sinned. Now, think of the sins you repeatedly commit and the many things you do that you do not want to do. The Apostle Paul in Romans 7:15-20 addresses this. This Scripture says that we do not understand what we do because we do not do what we want to do; instead, we do what we hate. This is why we weep before the Lord when we keep doing things we are trying so desperately to stop doing. We sin because we have two laws warring in our members, and because we sin, we need God’s forgiveness.

But God is longsuffering, merciful, gentle, and loving toward us. His love is enduring. He never turns away anyone who comes to Him in faith. Psalm 51:17 (KJV) says, “a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.” So, when we go to Him for forgiveness, He grants it, and after forgiving our sins, He does not remember them. When He forgives, He never reminds us of our sins because He does not keep record of them. He blots them out.

Isaiah 43:25, which says, “I, I am the one who blots out your rebellious deeds for my sake; your sins I do not remember, " addressed the children of Israel, God’s chosen people. You have been adopted into the fold and are now a child of God, so these words are now addressing you. Too often, you, like the children of Israel, have done evil in the sight of the Lord, and in His justice, God could have unleashed severe consequences for your sin, but despite His legitimate case against you, in His righteous wrath, He is always merciful.

Note that God not only blot out our sins because He loves us, but He also blots out our sins for His name’s sake. His integrity is on the line, so the combination of His unfathomable love for us and the upholding of His name secure our forgiveness of sins by the God of mercy and grace. For God’s own sake and the sake of His holy name, He will never break His promises to His children. Your God is a covenant-keeping God; all His promises are “yes” and “amen” in Him.

God is holy, and God is righteous, and His Word never fails. Numbers 23:19 tells us that God is not human and, therefore, cannot lie. He does whatever He says He is going to do, and He keeps His promises. You have the assurance that the intentions of the God you serve can never be shaken. The Words of the Lord are faithful and true, and they are a sure promise to a thousand generations (Deuteronomy 7:9). Therefore, in His grace and mercy, you can rejoice over these words: “I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.”

To reiterate in your spirit what we discussed today, read Isaiah 43:25 and Numbers 23:19 in various versions of the Bible and meditate upon the character and nature of the God you serve. Find peace in knowing that your God is a promise keeper and that He simply cannot lie. Tell yourself that even if the devil reminds you of the sins for which God has already forgiven you, you will override that with the promise that God remembers your sins no more. I encourage you to not only tell yourself that but act accordingly.


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Forgiveness God's Way

In the Forgiveness God’s Way Plan, Dr. Rosemarie Downer uses the Word of God to highlight the stark distinction between how we often view and practice forgiveness and how God defines forgiveness. This plan invites you to look closely at how God has forgiven us and how we should forgive our offenders.
