Seeing Jesus in the Gospel of Markគំរូ

Seeing Jesus in the Gospel of Mark

ថ្ងៃទី 16 ក្នុងចំណោម 30 ថ្ងៃ


Look Closely:

- As you read 8:11-12, can you picture how Jesus felt about the Pharisees’ questions? Why did they make him sigh?

- In 8:17-21 how does Jesus remind the disciples that He is still enough to meet their needs? What needs do they (and you) have besides the physical need for bread, and how does Jesus meet those needs?

- Read verses 22-25 and try to picture the scene of this healing. Why did Jesus take him outside the village? Why did it take two stages of healing before the man could see clearly?

- Reflecting on 8:1-26, what do you learn about Jesus, the Son of God, Son of Man?


ថ្ងៃ 15ថ្ងៃ 17


Seeing Jesus in the Gospel of Mark

In a world of hostility, corruption, and confusion, a regular guy named Mark wrote his gospel to boldly proclaim that Jesus is THE good news. Mark vividly tells his story with urgency and purpose, giving all of us a front-row seat to the teachings, miracles, discipleship, and life of Jesus. This plan puts you in the story so that you can observe, ask questions, and learn alongside the disciples.
