Learn to Be Aloneគំរូ

Learn to Be Alone

ថ្ងៃទី 5 ក្នុងចំណោម 7 ថ្ងៃ

Give Thanks

The labyrinth leads somewhere. That somewhere is the center. The center is—in this exercise—where the manifest presence of God resides. In the center of a labyrinth, the imagery representing the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit reside. For instance, in my prayer labyrinth, there are three tree stumps. As I journey toward the center, I imagine Jesus sitting on one of those stumps, waiting patiently for me. It is at this center point that yet another invitation is extended. I call this portion of the labyrinth journey “lingering.” Take a seat. Stop. Rest.

Maybe for you, you’re not at an actual labyrinth. No worries! Name your intention. Get up and start walking. And then? Find a place to stop and rest. It could be a park bench. A cul-de-sac. The bank of a brook or stream.

Wherever it is, stop. Rest. Linger.

You’ve now entered the center of your journey. Remember, it’s not the end! Rather, it’s the climax. You’re on the peak of the mountain. The presence of the Lord is drawing near.

As you enter this center, if you haven’t gotten clarity on what you brought before the Lord, take some time to sit and be still. Believe that the Lord will speak. Ask and receive.

Listen for the still, small voice.

When you feel you’ve heard what the Lord has for you, mark the moment. Write down whatever you sensed him say. If you’re wondering whether it’s God speaking or simply you making something up in your head, then ask him! Ask him to help you discern his voice. Be still. Listen. As you practice listening for His voice in solitude, you will begin to get better and better at discerning His voice from others.

Recognize this space for what it is—holy ground. You’re conversing with the one true God of the universe. It is a divine privilege to converse and commune with our Abba. So, listen, receive, and then say thank you. Use this time at the center to praise and worship God for who he is.

Acknowledge his character, his majesty, his power, his provision, his kindness, and his love. These times at the center are sweet moments to simply be in the presence of the Lord. Let him fill you with His love, kindness, mercy, and grace. Feel yourself being transformed from the inside out.

Don’t leave the same as you entered.

ថ្ងៃ 4ថ្ងៃ 6


Learn to Be Alone

In our fast-paced, over-inundated society, we struggle with being alone. Most of us can’t bear even the thought. And yet, to embrace who God’s called us to be, we must become comfortable with the discipline of solitude. What we discover in solitude is our most authentic self. And if we can fully embrace who we are, we can step into our God-given purpose.
