"I Am"គំរូ

"I Am"

ថ្ងៃទី 6 ក្នុងចំណោម 7 ថ្ងៃ

I am the way, the truth, and the life.

When Elisabeth Elliot first learned that her husband, Jim, had gone missing among the Auca Indians in the Ecuadorian jungle, the Lord brought Isaiah 43:2 to mind. “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.” She prayed this simple prayer to steady her troubled heart, “Lord, let not the waters overflow.”

Miles away, the lifeless body of her husband lay in the Amazon River. Jim and his four missionary friends had been speared to death while trying to reach the natives with the Gospel. In the days and weeks that followed, Elisabeth had to come to grips with the reality that her world had suddenly, and forever changed. But she remembered God’s faithfulness to her and said, “The Lord heard me and he answered me and the waters did not overflow.”

The waters must’ve been threatening to overflow the levees of the disciples’ hearts on the night Jesus told them he would soon be leaving them. The bad news had been landing on the disciples hearts like waves beating against the rocks.

First, one of their own, Judas, had left their ranks to betray the Lord and sell his soul for the price of a slave. Then Jesus announced he was leaving them for good. A breath later, he informed Peter, chief among the disciples, that he would deny him three times.

But Jesus did not leave his disciples in this troubling situation. He reminded them that he was going to prepare a place for them in his Father’s house, and if he went to prepare a place, he would come for them again. Then he told the disciples that they knew the way he was going.

Thankfully, Thomas, who always wanted proof and all the logical details worked out, asked the question everyone was wondering. “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” (John 14:5). The answer Jesus gave is the answer you’d expect. He said he was the way.

How could it be that in this tumultuous situation, an untroubled heart could be found? Jesus wanted them to look beyond their current circumstances and toward their heavenly home and the shepherd who would safely lead them there.

Like Elisabeth Elliot, maybe you’ve cried out for help in the midst of a tsunami of trouble. Or, like the disciples, you’ve been confronted with circumstances that cause dread and fear to well up in your heart. If so, know that your Shepherd has words to settle your troubled heart right now. Because we know he’s the only way, the only truth, and the only life, and we can trust him to lead us safely home come hell or high waters.


  • Jesus wants us to have untroubled hearts. How does knowing the way, the truth, and the life, bring peace into your situation?
  • Into the troubling events that led to his crucifixion, Jesus was caring for the hearts of his disciples. How has Jesus met you in your time of suffering?
  • When Jesus referred to his Father’s house, he was speaking of heaven. How does keeping our eyes fixed on our eternal home, bring help and hope in our temporal lives?
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"I Am"

One of the most profound names of God is, “I Am.” God revealed this name to Moses at the burning bush. But who is this mysterious and all-powerful “I am?” Jesus revealed his divine nature and heart toward us through seven “I am” statements in the book of John. Just as his name implies, discover how the great “I am” provides everything we need to love and follow him.
