Good Enough: God Sees, Values, Cares, Feels, and Accepts You! A 5-Day Devotional Plan by Dr. Peggie Etheredge Johnson គំរូ

Good Enough: God Sees, Values, Cares, Feels, and Accepts You!  A 5-Day Devotional Plan  by Dr. Peggie Etheredge Johnson

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God Feels Your Pain!

What appears dead obtains life when the life-giver arrives!

Job’s life reminds me that seasons can take sharp turns sprinkled with profound times of grief and pain. During these times, like Job, I have questioned God’s decisions, especially what He has allowed. In every life challenge, there is a lesson. The most thoughtful aspect is God’s presence, power, and sensitivity to my pain. He has the ability to remove every pain, but He also felt everything I felt.

I can imagine how Mary and Martha must have felt as they painfully grieved their brother’s death without Jesus! Or so they thought! His absence was intentional! So that His disciples “may believe” (John 11:15).

When Jesus arrived, Martha was the first to meet Him. She said to Jesus, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that whatever You ask of God, God will give You” (John 11:21-22). Her speech flows with ‘even now’ (John 11:22a). Jesus informs her that He is “the resurrection and life” (v. 25). Her words reveal her faith, and her reply is explicit; she believes He is the Messiah (John 11:27). Throughout His ministry and often before healings, Jesus asked, “do you believe?” (Matthew 9:28). Even now, do you believe?

Martha heard Jesus say, “Your brother will rise again” (v.23), but she was unaware of what He meant. This reminds me of when I thought I knew what God was saying and doing, but I was mistaken. His thoughts and ways are much higher than mine (Isaiah 55:8-9). I must admit there were times when I did not understand what He was doing.

Mary remained in the house until summoned. She fell at Jesus’ feet weeping. Her response to Jesus was different from Martha’s. Her posture was familiar; Jesus was so troubled that He groaned in the Spirit and wept as He walked to Lazarus’ tomb (John 11:28-33). The crowd that followed was far from silent; Jesus was not distracted. How profound and reassuring our Lord sees our tears, feels our pain, and is moved by our grief. God responds to our brokenness!

At the tomb, Jesus prayed, calling Lazarus to come forth. Lazarus walked out of the tomb wrapped in grave clothes (John 11:39-44). It did not matter that he was dead for four days. With God, all things are possible, and now he was alive! Imagine tears of sorrow replaced with tears of joy! Jesus loves and cares for us just as much. Regardless of what we are enduring, God is right there because He feels our pain. You are good enough for God to stand in every storm with you as He comforts and restores your broken places. You can trust God! Regardless of what you were told, what you told yourself, or what you have believed, YOU are good enough for God, and He loves YOU!

Reflection: What has died in your heart, life, family, or ministry that Jesus needs to resurrect? Write down what comes to mind.

Prayer: Lord, infiltrate and resurrect the dead places in my heart through a personal encounter with You, in Jesus’ name!

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Good Enough: God Sees, Values, Cares, Feels, and Accepts You!  A 5-Day Devotional Plan  by Dr. Peggie Etheredge Johnson

You were created in the image and likeness of God. You are more than enough! If you struggle with feelings of insecurity, doubt, fear, and low self-esteem due to what others have said about you or what you have told yourself; this plan is for you! I examine the life of Mary of Bethany to share valuable insights into how God sees, value, and accept you!
