Thru the Bible—Revelationគំរូ

Thru the Bible—Revelation

ថ្ងៃទី 15 ក្នុងចំណោម 28 ថ្ងៃ

Interlude: A Glimpse of Glory

Before you start todays devotional, ask the Lord to use it to grow you up in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Almost as if God knew we needed a mental and emotional rest from the stream of judgments, He gives us a break between the sixth and seventh trumpets. In this interlude in Revelation 10, our focus shifts, temporarily, from the outpouring of God’s wrath on unbelievers on earth to the encouragement of believers in heaven.

Just as angels announced Jesus' first coming, they also announce His second coming.

John previously told us about a strong angel back in Revelation 5:2. Now he introduces us to another “mighty angel.” Their dress identifies them as with Christ, bearing all the credentials of His exalted position. This mighty angel is “clothed with a cloud,” like the glory clouds that will surround Christ in His second coming. A “rainbow” is the cap of his uniform and reminds us of God’s mercy and His faithfulness to His covenant not to send a flood to destroy mankind again.

The mighty angel’s countenance is radiant, with a face “like the sun,” reflecting God’s presence (like Moses’ face in Exodus 34:29). He has come from the Lord’s presence to make a special and solemn announcement of coming judgment.

In his hands, this mighty messenger holds “a little book,” which logically would be the seven-sealed book we saw in Revelation 5. Originally in the Father’s hands, He transfers it to the nail-pierced hands of God the Son, the only One who had the right to open it. When Jesus broke the seven seals, it introduced the seven trumpets, six of which have already been blown. After He removes the seals, the Lord Jesus in turn gives the book to the angel, who then finally gives it to John to eat.

This is the title deed of the earth and contains the judgments the Lord executes in the Great Tribulation. The angel puts one foot on the sea, the other foot upon the earth, and claims it all for Christ. As he does, a majestic loud cry produced “seven thunders”—this is God’s amen! (See also Psalm 29:3 and Job 37:5.) The voice of the Lord Jesus in heaven confirms the angel’s claim that He will soon reign with authority on this earth.

John took down this confirmation as the visions were given to him, and he was about to write what the seven thunders had spoken, but he was forbidden to do so. This is the only place in Revelation where anything is sealed. To this day, they remain a secret. God still has many things to tell us.

The angel also comforts God’s saints on earth in the middle of this trouble, that it won’t last much longer. Christ will return soon, he promises. God has sealed them, and they will make it through the Great Tribulation. The martyrs in heaven have been praying for this, too.

This all takes place when the seventh angel is ready to blow the trumpet, announcing the second half of the Great Tribulation. God will then fully reveal His mystery, including why He permits and tolerates evil. God’s mysteries can only be revealed by God Himself—we can’t understand them without His Word.

As John takes the book, the angel invites him into the great drama unfolding. He tells John to do a very strange thing—eat it. Eating the book means to receive the Word of God with faith. (The prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel instruct the same in Jeremiah 15:16 and Ezekiel 3:1-3.) At first, the book was sweet, but then it turned bitter. Just like us—we can delight in reading this prophecy about what God intends to do, but the coming judgment to a world that rejects the Lord Jesus Christ is bitter. The study of prophecy will have a definite effect upon your life: It will either bring you closer to Christ, or it will take you farther from Him.

Next: Who are those two witnesses doing miracles and pointing people to God?

1. If Revelation is giving us a detailed picture of who Jesus is, how would you describe the picture so far?

2. An angel’s face can reflect God’s majesty, but so can our lives. What are some specific ways your life could reflect God’s majesty to those around you?

3. How can studying prophecies, like we see in Revelation, bring you closer to Christ?

Additional Resources

Listen to Dr. J. Vernon McGee’s complete teaching on Revelation 10:8—11:2 and Revelation 10:2-7.


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Thru the Bible—Revelation

Revelation is God’s grand finale—His final Word to mankind—but it’s really just the beginning. If you’ve thought Revelation is complicated with all its symbolism, let veteran Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee walk you through this organized, prophetic book in 28 lessons. You’ll see God’s magnificent master plan unfold and everything point to Jesus Christ as the author of creation and fulfiller of all His promises.
