Safe in God's Controlគំរូ

Safe in God's Control

ថ្ងៃទី 3 ក្នុងចំណោម 5 ថ្ងៃ

The Lord Who is Close and Understands Us

The God we worship is not a God who is far away, unattainable by humans, or difficult to find. He is a God who is as close as our heart's beat. He is near us at all times. As Psalm 119:151 says: "Yet you are near, Lord, and all your commands are true.” Sometimes we may feel that God is millions of miles away, but we need to know the truth that He is with us right now, because He is a Father who wants to be close to His children.

He is a God who is never too busy to meet us. The psalmist said, “The Lord is near to everyone who calls on Him”. He will answer us whenever we call. We are always in His thoughts. The Bible says that He designed us long before we were born. He cares about us and always accompanies us throughout our life journey. The question is, do we take time to seek and come to Him? Remember, He is a God who is always there for us.

He understands and longs to give us whatever we need. He does not give to us partially or because He is forced to do so. It is the pleasure of His heart to provide for our every need. If we are in the position of being children of God, we need never worry about His meeting our needs in this life. He was with the Israelites when they came out of the land of Egypt. The Lord took care of them and provided for them, even while they lived in difficult desert conditions. That same God was with Joshua when he entered the Promised Land and defeated Israel's enemies. There are many more stories in the Bible of how God miraculously cared for His children.

The question is, are we going into God's presence regularly through prayer, meeting with Him, and telling Him our heart burdens? Matthew 6:6 says, “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your unseen Father. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” This verse says we meet God during our prayer hours. Prayer time is when our whole body, soul, and spirit are connected to heaven as we enter His presence. Do we only seek Him at certain times? He is willing to be found anywhere, at any time. Do we focus all aspects of our lives on Him? Do we ask and trust Him to supply our needs? Our good Father longs to meet with us, but during that meeting He wants us to focus our hearts on Him.

ថ្ងៃ 2ថ្ងៃ 4


Safe in God's Control

How often do we get stressed out trying to control complicated situations in our lives? This stress can hinder God's power at work in our lives. Our unbelief slowly eats away at our faith and causes disappointment to overtake us. We must stop before this happens! This devotional will remind you of God's miraculous deeds, help you remember that He is in control, and revive your faith in Him.
