Chosen to Be a Miracle!គំរូ

Chosen to Be a Miracle!

ថ្ងៃទី 10 ក្នុងចំណោម 26 ថ្ងៃ

I am willing!

Here is the story of the leper…

Has your world ever come crashing down because of bad news? That's what happened to me when I saw that white spot appear on my skin. That spot indicated that I had caught the most dreaded disease of my time: leprosy.

From that moment on, I became a outcast in the eyes of all. The effects of the disease on my body were horrible, but surprisingly, that wasn't the worst part. For me, the most difficult consequence was being rejected by society.

Most people believed that I had been cursed by God because of my sins and turned away from me. I was shunned by everyone, and those who loved me most couldn't even touch me for fear of catching the disease, too. By law, no one could come within a certain distance of me.

I had no home, and I could barely get any food. It was too much for me: I just wanted to wake up from this nightmare and for things to go back to the way they were.

One day, however, a little hope sprung up in my heart. My sister, one of the servants at the wedding in Cana, told me that a certain Jesus from Nazareth had performed a miracle never before seen: He had turned the water in the purification jars into wine! She herself had filled those jars with water! Even the master of the banquet said it was the best wine he had ever tasted.

I had to find Jesus while He was still in the region. I asked some people, and I finally found Him! His disciples threatened me, insisting that I not come near, but Jesus calmed them down and came to me.

I did something very dangerous for a leper: I got down on my knees. Jesus was my only hope, so it was time to surrender everything. I begged Him, "'Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean. Only if You want to…I submit to You.'" (adapted from Matthew 8:2-4, NKJV)

His tender eyes fixed on me, He responded, "I am willing" as He put His hand on my shoulder. It had been so long since anyone had touched me! I began to cry as I felt God's love and power coursing through my body. All my wounds began to heal, and in a matter of seconds, the leprosy was gone, and all my skin had been restored! Jesus had healed me!

That day I got my life back, but more than that, I found the source of Life itself.

I am no longer a leper because I have been chosen by Jesus.

Bible references: Matthew 8:1-4

Jesus knows perfectly well the situation you're experiencing and your pains and needs. He wants to hear your requests today and answer them with a big "I am willing": "I am willing to heal you," "I am willing to guide you," "I am willing to bless you"...Pour out your heart before Him now, and allow yourself to be touched by His power and love.

You are Chosen to be a Miracle!

Christian Misch


ថ្ងៃ 9ថ្ងៃ 11


Chosen to Be a Miracle!

What if, these next 25 days, we could remember the miracles that Jesus performed in the lives of those who came to Him, and we were inspired by their stories to experience God's miracles in our own lives and also be miracles for others? Join Christian Misch as he examines the lives and testimonies of those who chose to follow Jesus Based on The Chosen series by Angel Studios.
