Becoming Christlike: Loving God With All You Areគំរូ

Becoming Christlike: Loving God With All You Are

ថ្ងៃទី 6 ក្នុងចំណោម 10 ថ្ងៃ

“​​Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus…” - Romans 8:1 (NIV)


“Ultimately, every human circle is doomed to dissolution if it is not caught up in the life of the only genuinely self-sufficient circle of sufficiency, that of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. For that circle is the only one that is truly and totally self-sufficient. And all the broken circles must ultimately find their healing there, if anywhere. Only when rooted in that divine Trinitarian circle can the broken individuals from the broken circles recover from the wounds received in their circles of origin and find wholeness on their long journey from the womb to the eternal City of God.” - Dallas Willard

“Failure to Thrive” is the diagnosis given to children who do not reach growth expectations. It may have many physical causes, but it is often caused by societal issues: lack of parental support, lack of nutrition due to poverty, etc. Societal wounds stunt children’s growth.

Though we have grown physically by adulthood, everyone bears wounds from society.

We wound and are wounded by others, whether a family member or others who are significant, like a friend, teacher, or leader.

These wounds can be deep and long-lasting, and they can lead to a failure to thrive in the spiritual life. How can this be remedied?

“The secret of all life-giving relation to others, and of all that is social, lies in the fact that the primary other for a human being, whether they want it or not, is always God.” - Dallas Willard

Healing for woundedness is found in our God-given identity. From God the Trinity, we derive our identity and learn how to live in a faithful community with one another. We are who God says we are; we are not the words with which others have labeled and wounded us.


What wounds are you carrying from others? Whenever they arise, bring them to our Triune God in prayer. Spend time allowing the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to remind you of your identity.


Healing Father, help me release the pain of wounds I carry from others. Allow me to see the goodness, mercy, and grace that permeates the Trinitarian community, and help me, O Lord, embrace who You say I am. In Christ’s name. Amen.

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Becoming Christlike: Loving God With All You Are

There are six basic aspects that are inseparable from every human life. Together and in interplay, they make up “human nature.” Jesus highlighted this when He said to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and love your neighbor as yourself. Together we’ll review each aspect to help us learn how we can bring each one, thereby our whole selves, under God’s rule.
