Follow the Star: Discover the Heart of Jesusគំរូ

Follow the Star: Discover the Heart of Jesus

ថ្ងៃទី 2 ក្នុងចំណោម 7 ថ្ងៃ

To prepare is to make ready, to anticipate, or take action toward an expected outcome or event. The idea of preparation indicates the possibility or expectation of an action or change. How we prepare is determined by the value or respect we place on the object of our anticipation. 

What is important? As my children have grown into adults, the relationship my wife and I have with them has necessarily changed. The things that were important as they were growing up have shifted and changed. A few years ago, we made a conscious decision to shift what we prioritized for the Holidays.  Christmas is always centered around Jesus' birth, but the requisite perennial gift-giving morphed into memory-making. Each year, we make plans on how and where we can get away as a family and spend time together. Planning and preparation begin weeks, even months in advance, and the date on the calendar couldn't come quickly enough as we anticipate and value the time we'll share. 

In today's verses, the desire for change, the need for something to be different, was deeply felt. It has been throughout the history of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob's family; and for the nation of Israel. It is a family that would become a nation established on a covenant promise from God himself. Yet time and again, they found themselves enslaved, dispersed, and oppressed due to turning from their covenant. But, God had a different outcome planned for them. God wanted to move from only gift-giving to genuine deep relationships and fellowship. 

Enter Isaiah. God has always moved on behalf of His people by first declaring His intentions (Amos 3:7). Through Abraham, generational promises were made, through David, an eternal kingdom was declared, and through Isaiah, God announced a messiah would come to rescue. They would know the time and the one because He would first send a messenger, another prophet in the spirit of Elijah, who would lead them to "prepare the way" for the coming of their deliverer. 

For hundreds of years, the people waited, prayed, and watched for the messenger. Over time anticipation even belief can wane and grow cold. When will the day come? Will it ever come? Zechariah was a priest in the Temple, a position of status and authority. But, the one thing he longed for was to have a child, something he and his wife Elizabeth seemed unable to do. So he prayed and waited for a day that seemed never to come. Until the day the Angel Gabriel came to tell him God had a different plan, his name would be John, and the day to prepare was now. 

Reflection Question

While Zechariah struggled with some disbelief, God faithfully prepared him to receive.  This Christmas, let the “Star” of God’s promise guide you. We may not understand His timing, but He is never late, and he most often reveals His promise well in advance so that we can prepare our hearts to receive at the right time. 

What promises are you holding on to? God has promised the return of Jesus to earth in the natural world as King. Has our expectation waned into disbelief, or are we preparing ourselves and the world to receive Him?


Heavenly Father, Thank you for your promise, thank you for sending Jesus to fulfill that promise. Today, we choose to believe that every promise is "yes and Amen in Christ Jesus." Holy Spirit leads us today to prepare and live each day with expectation and belief.


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Follow the Star: Discover the Heart of Jesus

Discover the heart of Jesus this Christmas season as we follow the star in this seven-day devotional! The star led the Magi as they followed that glowing light for many days before it finally stopped over the place Jesus was, and there they worshipped Him. Discovering Jesus' heart means shining the light of His love this Christmas season, so others can follow that glow and find Him, too.
