Divine Switchគំរូ

Divine Switch

ថ្ងៃទី 2 ក្នុងចំណោម 6 ថ្ងៃ


Just because you’ve been in a particular position for a number of years doesn’t mean that God can’t switch things up in your life. It doesn’t matter if someone seeks to diminish your value by putting parameters around you hoping to stop what God starts, remember no one can thwart the plans God has for your life.  At times delays in receiving all God has for us can be from our own insecurities and lack of faith but it is vital that we trust God when prompted by the Holy Spirit to faithfully accept a career switch. 

Criticizing thoughts filled with apprehension might creep in to tell you: “Who do you think you are?” “You are too old to make a career move.” “No one has ever done what you are about to do.” “Don’t mess up your financial situation, because of a pipe dream.”  

No comment or opinion from an outsider can weaken the confirmed call of God on your life.  When God confirms the call it is wise to follow Him even in the midst of uncertainty, insecurity, and apprehension. The divine God-honoring career switch God is leading you to pursue is for God to get the glory, all whilst He divinely positions you for His plan and purpose.  Aim to not get caught up in what you can’t do or how others are more qualified. God didn’t call them, God called you.  

Now God is well able to get someone else to do what He’s called you to do, but accepting the call is a blessing for you and those God blesses through you.  In scripture, we witness how God divinely switched the careers of countless people one example is the disciples of Jesus and another example is Moses. 

God divinely switched Moses from the keeper of the flock to Pastor, Prophet, Lawyer, Judge, and Advocate.  Moses experienced a Divine Switch in careers but each switch aligned with God’s purpose for his life and God’s plan for his people. 

Even in the midst of apprehension, uncertainty, and self-doubt Moses aligned with God’s Divine Switch for his life.  Moses could’ve looked at his age, experience, and condition as a hindrance, but Moses answered the call.  When God wants to use us for His glory, our aim is to focus on God and not what people are saying and doing. God has already equipped you, get ready for the divine switch.  

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Divine Switch

There are several accounts in God’s word where Divine Switches occurred. God’s power in Divine Switches can happen in one’s health, career, mindset, relationship, and family. When God Divinely Switches your situation, age, gender, and one’s background can’t thwart God’s plan. No longer live defined by your past, or by someone’s thoughts regarding you, understand that a Divine Switch can suddenly happen when you align with God.
