Story Suicide Part 1: Tell Your Story. Let's Make It Matter.គំរូ

Story Suicide Part 1: Tell Your Story. Let's Make It Matter.

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If you look back into history, you’ll see that before the Corona, the Swine Flu, or even the Black Plague, there was yet another epidemic that wreaked havoc upon all mankind. It worked covertly to kill your influence, steal your potential impact, and destroy your unique breakthrough. It was called Story Suicide.  

#itendswithme  #itendswithus 

There are two things that happen when you decide to share your Story.  Initially, you will experience a freedom that you didn’t know you would receive, even though it is exactly what you needed. Secondarily, there will be a doubt that comes knocking at the door of your mind that will try to convince you that you shouldn’t have shared in the first place. I have been there. My encouragement to you is to listen to the voice of freedom and remind the voice of doubt that it has already been beaten.

Think about it. 

When the enemy came to Adam and Woman in the garden, his words killed, stole, and destroyed the potential of their Story. In so aligning with the darkness, they functionally committed Story Suicide. It didn’t kill them physically, but Story Suicide silenced them from the inside out.

Then Jesus came. Shared His Story. Operating as the second Adam, He brought the truest reformation ever made available to mankind. He gave His Kingdom authority, just as God had given His to the first Adam, “to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it and have dominion ...” (Genesis 1:28). Then He commissioned us to carry His Story that could become our Story. It isn’t purely a retelling of Him, but a commission to share our own Story as an illustration of Him. “. . . because as He is, so are we in this world.” (1 John 4:17)

When Gideon exited the winepress, he was at once free.  When FATHER called him a “mighty man of valor”, He identified Gideon by the highlight reel of his life that he had not completely lived yet. Gideon heard the voice of doubt and might have stopped short, but FATHER saw the potential in the man that would lead the 300 to defeat the undefeatable enemy. 

You have VALUE.  You CAN … You WILL … Your STORY (both now AND its untold highlight reel) was meant to be shared!  

Tell Your Story.  Let’s make it Matter!

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Story Suicide Part 1: Tell Your Story. Let's Make It Matter.

Thousands of years ago, the art and science of making an impact was carried on the back of Story. It was the method of broadcasting breakthrough for the generations to come. It was an instrument and an illustration that could be shared with all of humanity. Story changed things. Story started things. TELL YOUR STORY.
