Love is the Answer គំរូ

Love is the Answer

ថ្ងៃទី 4 ក្នុងចំណោម 4 ថ្ងៃ

God Is the Answer 

The greatest love story you will ever know is the one about God. Many of us believe in Him, yet cannot come to truly accept that God loves us. The simplest way I can word it is like this: picture the persons you love the most here on earth. Perhaps it is your spouse, your children, or your parents. You feel as if your heart could explode with love. Well, God loves you way more than that. His heart could explode a million times more with love for you. The Bible says that it is an everlasting and too-wonderful-to- be-measured kind of love. It will never fail you. It is constant and steady. 

God loves you so much that He sent His only Son into the world, not to judge, but to save us from death. If we believe in Him, we are granted eternal life. God loved us so much that He did not even spare His own Son so that we could have a relationship with Him. In everything, we have the victory because of this love. Nothing can or could ever separate us from His love—not life nor death, not angels nor spirits, not the present nor the future. 

God calls you His. You are His sons and daughters. You are His chosen and glorious inheritance. If you have believed the lies of the enemy that you are unlovable, unloved, worthless, and unwanted, I need you to know that God wants you. His marvelous plan is that Christ will dwell in your heart so that you will be rooted and established in love. Through His Spirit, you will be filled with everything that He is, which is Love—a love that surpasses all knowledge. 

Begin to seek God as your Everything, so that you will embody who He is. You will need Him to practice patience and kindness through the dry spells in marriage. When your flesh is tempted to be jealous or insecure, you will need the Holy Spirit to remind you that your confidence comes from Christ. You need Him to be able to forgive and love your enemy. You need Him to overcome battles and heal from hurt. God wants to transform you into His likeness and mold your heart into one filled with love. Through all the highs and lows in life, love is always the answer, because God equals love.

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Love is the Answer

We were created by love and for love. Through God’s Word we learn what true love is. God wants us to be rooted and established in love so that we can share it with others. Love is the answer because God is love.
