21 Days To Cultivate A Grateful Heartគំរូ

21 Days To Cultivate A Grateful Heart

ថ្ងៃទី 20 ក្នុងចំណោម 21 ថ្ងៃ

Day 20: Put Your Gratitude on Display  

In this passage, it tells of the Lord’s commands to Joshua. He gathered the twelve stones from the Jordan, and at the time when God commanded, Joshua put them in place for everyone to see as a testimony of God’s faithfulness. Some refer to these as stones of remembrance. 

In our lives today, we can also have our own stones of remembrance that tell the story of God’s faithfulness and our gratitude. I want to share a story about how one family publicly displays their “stones of remembrance” as a testimony to share with others. These small items represent a greater story of God’s providence that builds faith and unity within the family. 

As a family we go through tough waters, unforeseen tragedy and faith-building moments. So many times, God comes through for His children in the most unique ways. Because we have learned to look for Him in the celebrations and the struggles, He makes Himself known. The testimony of His goodness serves as a stepping stone for others to come to know Christ personally and therefore impacts eternity. 

One family uses a shadow box full of small objects that serve as reminders of what God has done, the ways He has answered prayers, miraculously healed, provided supernaturally and loved them specifically. God is moving in mighty ways in their family, and they never want to stop giving thanks for those mile-marker moments. These items are on display first, so the family can be reminded and second, so that when people ask, they can share the amazing God stories. These items, on display in their home, serve as a reminder to their children, grandchildren and future generations. Periodically they will pull out an item from the box and tell the story to their children so that one day, they will tell the story (and their stories) to their children. 

REFLECT: Is it easy for you to remember and to be grateful for God’s incredible love for your family? Do you have any type of tangible way to celebrate and remind yourself of His faithfulness? It’s never too late to start. What would be a creative way for your family to remember and share? Some families love hiking and finding cool rocks; for others who travel, it can be hotel keys or just writing the date and the event on a notecard and keeping them in a box. How you do it isn’t as important as doing it. 

RESPOND: Pick one way you can start your own “stones of remembrance” for your family that serves as a testimony of God’s love and faithfulness. Allow your gratitude to fuel this project. Start by writing down significant moments in your family history and collaborate with your family the best way to set up a physical reminder for your family. 


ថ្ងៃ 19ថ្ងៃ 21


21 Days To Cultivate A Grateful Heart

Gratitude is contagious and as you practice living thankfully, you give others permission to be thankful too. You will take the next 21 days to celebrate the good things in your life, shift your focus from what you think is missing in your life to the blessings that are right in front of you and share the faithfulness of God with those around you.
