Jesus Revealed Pt. 4 - Our Testimony: His Lifeគំរូ

Jesus Revealed Pt. 4 - Our Testimony: His Life

ថ្ងៃទី 2 ក្នុងចំណោម 6 ថ្ងៃ

Woman in the Well - Part 2  

Thoughts on the Passage

Living Water.

This had a very special meaning. It meant that the water did not need to be drawn up from a well – it flowed continually. This would be a spring of water or water that is diverted from a river so that it formed a constant supply. The concept of living water became a religious issue because getting water on the Sabbath would require people to work – living water enabled them to have water without working for it. Jesus promised her living water that produced eternal life – the Spirit of God. This water would be a fountain, more than she would need, something that would never fail.

Go call your husband.

This was a good thing to say to a woman. Let me talk to both you and your husband.

We now know why she came in the middle of the day – she did not want to be shamed by the other women of the village. Her life was a mess – she knew it, they knew it, everyone knew it. She did everything she could to avoid the ridicule and comments that were sure to come. Jesus knew everything about her failed marriages and now an unmarried relationship – what we call a “word of knowledge” from God. Still Jesus wanted to give living water to her. She did not have to clean up her life for God to offer her this amazing gift. That is just such a powerful gift Jesus is offering.


Is the Holy Spirit in our lives a spring of living water? That is what He wants to do.

Letting the Spirit flow into us and then flow out to our world is what Jesus wants. It does not take a perfect life – it takes a forgiven life. It is not restricted by who we are, it is limited by our willingness to let the Spirit have freedom to forgive, flow and bless.

What will it take for this living water to refresh our world?

Time to Pray

Father, what are You offering to me that I do not deserve? What blessing from Your Spirit is available to me but I am working hard to get it – when all I need to do is ask for it? You offered this woman living water – something she would love to have so she did not need to come in the middle of the day to get water. You wanted to give it to her more than she imagined – and it is the same for me. Today, I ask for living water of Your Spirit to transform my world. I want it to fill me and overflow. It may require that I let You clean up a mess in my life – that is okay, it will be worth it. So today, fill me with Your Spirit. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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Jesus Revealed Pt. 4 - Our Testimony: His Life

We all have areas in our lives that we try to hide – we hide them from others, from God and to some extent, even from ourselves. But in one way or another, something happens that exposes these areas and we are left with a choice. In Plan 4 of 19 we see how Jesus works with us to expose areas in our lives so that our testimonies will bring people to Him.
