15 Days of Supernatural Encountersគំរូ

15 Days of Supernatural Encounters

ថ្ងៃទី 11 ក្នុងចំណោម 15 ថ្ងៃ

Day 11: An Encounter with the Great Door-Closer

For Day 11 of our 15 days of supernatural encounters, I felt the Lord wanted to talk to you about some closed doors.


You always have a choice about how far you go with God:

  • You can choose to follow Him, or not.
  • You can choose His best, or not.
  • You can also choose something that’s not remotely close to His will for your life if you wish to do so.

Our Father God will not force you. He will woo you and draw you; He loves you too much to do otherwise. But He will never force you to choose Him.

And I heard Him say to you today:

“There are some doors in your life that I would like to close swiftly. I am the Great Door-Closer and I am the Great Door-Opener. No one but Me can open and close doors like I can.

The doors I would like to close for you are doors to things that have kept you entrapped. You have been ensnared in less than My best, and I would like to separate these things from you.

But will you trust Me? Will you believe that I can and will work all things together for your good? Will you allow Me to close doors in your life that are harming you, so I can open others?

Today is the day to decide.”

Are you willing to trust God enough to allow Him to close some doors for you–and open others?

We don’t usually have a problem with God opening doors for us. It’s the closed doors that tend to bother us …

… because if He closes doors, we might have to give up some things.

But isn’t that what it’s all about? 

Didn’t Jesus say that we should be willing to give up mother or father or husband or wife or children or houses or lands for His sake? Didn’t He say that we should follow Him no matter what, even if it costs us everything? Aren’t we supposed to take up our cross and follow Him?

And didn’t we decide at the very beginning of this series that we didn’t want to gain the whole world and lose our soul?

If we are going to go higher with Jesus, we simply must be willing to allow Him to strip us of things that harm us … even when our earthly wisdom doesn’t understand.

And, anytime you have a supernatural encounter with God, you must decide if you will submit to Him as who He is.

And He is the One who holds the key of David; who opens, and no man can shut; and who shuts, and no man can open.

He is the great Door-Opener, and the great Door-Closer. Will you choose to allow Him to manifest Himself in your life as this part of who He is today? If so, take time right now to do business with God and yield your will to His in this area.

Pray this to the great Door-Closer:

“Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name, I realize that I am involved in some things in my life that may not be Your best for me. Father God, I relinquish my right to have things as I want them, and I yield to Your best instead.

Father, in Jesus’ name, please close every door in my life that is not Your best for me. Help me to see Your hand at work as You do, Lord, and please help me to let go of everything I am holding onto if it’s not from You.

And Father, I ask also that You would open other doors for me that ARE Your best for me. Lead me and guide me into Your best plans, and show me the answers to my prayers throughout the process.

Thank You, Father. In Jesus’ name, amen.”


If you're streaming your favorite music service today, listen to Eddie James singing "I Am," and meditate on the fact that everything God is everything you need … including His nature as the great Door-Opener and the great Door-Closer.


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15 Days of Supernatural Encounters

The series contains short, encouraging devotionals, prayers, and Scripture passages that will help you encounter God in mighty ways--on HIS supernatural territory! As you walk through this series, let the Scriptures inspire and challenge your faith, so that the Holy Spirit can take you to a new level of intimacy with Jesus.
