Jesus, I Want to Love You Part 8គំរូ

Jesus, I Want to Love You Part 8

ថ្ងៃទី 4 ក្នុងចំណោម 6 ថ្ងៃ

Read today's Bible references before you begin.


Jesus is not impressed with our deeds, our power, our wisdom, or our sacrifice. Mighty works, casting out demons, prophesying in the name of God, teaching Bible studies, volunteering, tithing . . . an impressive list to some. But what matters to Jesus? Simple obedience that springs from knowing Him.

We can deceive ourselves into thinking that if we prayed a special prayer of repentance, go to church, read our Bible, and say our prayers, then we are living the Christian life. Consider what Jesus said in Matthew 10:34-39. Who is not worthy to be a disciple of Jesus? Who can call Him Lord? What is a disqualifier according to this passage?

Many churches in America are filled with people who are saying one thing and doing another but have no idea they are living lives of hypocrisy. One day we will all stand in front of the Lord and answer for how we lived our lives. What will He say?

When Jesus says that those who do the will of God will enter the kingdom of heaven, He doesn’t mean that we earn our salvation by our obedience. Rather our obedience is evidence of our salvation. So if we are not being obedient to God at all, we have reason to question our salvation. We need to examine ourselves (2 Cor. 13:5) to make sure we truly know Him.

Step back and take an honest assessment of your day-to-day life. Are you obeying the voice of God? Are you listening to Him in His Word? Can you hear Him? Do you know Him? Have you received His mercy and grace?

Charles Spurgeon said this about the Romans passage: “Proud man wants to save himself, he believes he can do it, and he will not give over the task till he finds out his own helplessness by unhappy failures. Salvation by grace . . . to be asked for as an undeserved blessing from free, unmerited favour, this it is which the carnal mind will not come to as long as it can help it . . ."

Go to the Lord in prayer. Praise God that His Word is plain, clear, and bold. Ask Him to show you what He sees. What does your heart and life look from His perspective. Ask Him to have mercy on you. May He be glorified.

ថ្ងៃ 3ថ្ងៃ 5


Jesus, I Want to Love You Part 8

What does it look like to follow Jesus? How can we express our love through obedience? Focus on knowing and loving Jesus more. See also "Jesus, I Want to Love You" (companion prayer) by Thistlebend.
