John 11
The kindly folk oʼ Bethanie. Death, and deathʼs Maister.
1Noo, a particular ane was ill; Lazarus, oʼ Bethanie; Maryʼs toon, and her sister Marthaʼs toon.
2It was the same Mary wha anointit the Lord wiʼ the ointment, and dightit his feet wiʼ her hair, whase brither Lazarus was ill.
3Sae his sisters sent word to him, “Lord, see! the lad ye loʼe is sick!”
4Whan Jesus heard it, he said, “This illness is no to bring death, but the glorie oʼ God; sae as Godʼs Son micht be glorifyʼt.”
5Noo Jesus had tender love for Mary, and her sister, and Lazarus.
6Whan, than, he heard he was ill, he ye bade thar twa days iʼ the bit whaur he was.
7Eftir that, quoʼ he to his disciples, “Lat us gang into Judea again!”
8The disciples say to him, “Maister! the Jews eʼen noo ettled to stane ye, and wull ye gang thar‐awa again?”
9Jesus answerʼt, “Are thar no twalʼ oors to a day? Gin ony man gang iʼ the day, he stoiters‐na, for that he sees the licht oʼ this warld.
10“But gin ane walk iʼ the nicht, he stoiters, for that the licht isna in him.”
11Thir things quoʼ he; and eftir he said to them, “Oor freend Lazarus is faun on sleep; but I gang that I may wauken him oot oʼ sleep!”
12Than quoʼ the disciples, “Lord, gin he sleep, he maun be on the mend!”
13But Jesus spak oʼ his deein; while they thocht he had spoken oʼ his takin rest in sleep.
14Than said Jesus plainly to them, “Lazarus is deid!
15“And I am weel pleased, for yere sakes, I wasna yonner, sae as ye may believe; nane‐the‐less, lat us gang to him!”
16Than Tammas (he wha was caʼd “The Twin”) says to his neebors, “Lat us aʼ gang, too, that we may #11:16 I wuss we kent mair oʼ Tammas! It was in deid earnest he said this. In fact, Christ was juist gaun till his deid, when he airtit his gate to Jerusalem!dee wiʼ him!”
17Than, when Jesus cam, he faund he had been iʼ the tomb for fowr days.
18Noo, Bethanie was nar‐haun Jerusalem, no twa mile awa.
19And mony folk oʼ the Jews had come oot to Martha and Mary to console them ower their brither.
20Than Martha, as sune as she kent Jesus was comin, gaed oot and met him; but Mary sat yet iʼ the hoose.
21Sae says Martha to Jesus, “Lord! gin thou had been here, my brither hadna deeʼt!
22“And eʼen yet, I ken that whateʼer thou may ask oʼ God, God wull gie it thee!”
23Quoʼ Jesus to her, “Yere brither sal rise again!”
24Martha says to him, “I ken he sal rise again, iʼ the Risin at the Last Day!”
25Jesus said to her, “I am the Risin‐again and the Life! Wha lippens on me, eʼen gin he dee, yet sal he leeve!
26“And whasae leeves, lippenin on me, sal dee nae mair! Dae ye believe this?”
27Quoʼ she to him, “Aye, Lord! I believe thou art Godʼs Son, wha was to come intil the warld!”
28And whan she had said this, she gaed her ways, and caʼd Mary her sister, unkent, sayin, “The Maister is come, and is seekinʼ ye!”
29And as sune as she kent it, she raise quickly, and gaed till him.
30Noo Jesus wasna yet come to the toon, but was iʼ the place whaur Martha met him.
31Sae the Jews wha war iʼ the hoose to console her, whan they saw Mary rise up oʼ a suddaintie and gang oot, followʼt her, sayin amang theirsels, “She gangs to the tomb, to wail thar!”
32Than Mary, bein come whaur Jesus was, fell doon at his feet, sayin to him, “Lord! gin thou had been here, my brither hadna deeʼt!”
33Whan Jesus saw her sabbin, and the Jews aʼ greetin that cam wiʼ her, he was unco touched at the heart, and was wrocht‐on.
34And quoʼ he, “Whaur hae ye laid him doon?” They say to him, “Lord, come awa and see!”
35Jesus grat.
36The Jews than said, “See hoo he loʼed him!”
37But a wheen oʼ them said, “Coud‐na this man, wha unsteekit the een oʼ the blinʼ, hae caused eʼen this man to leeve?”
38Jesus,#11:38 Here war a wheen oʼ the Jews yammerin amang their sels, at his no doin eneuch michty warks afore them. It was ill te dree; and Jesus groaned inwardly at the hardness oʼ their hearts. groanin at this within his sel, comes to the tomb. Noo it was a cave, and a stane was putten ower it.
39Jesus said, “Tak ye awa the stane!” Martha, the sister oʼ the deid man, says, “Lord! by noo the corp wull be rank, for he has been fowr days deid!”
40Jesus says to her, “Did I no say tʼye, that gin ye wad believe, ye soud see the glorie oʼ God?”
41Than took they awa the stane. And Jesus liftit up his een, and said, “Faither! I thank thee that thou did hear me.
42“And I ken that thou aye hears me; but for the sake oʼ aʼ the folk staunin here I said it, that they may ken that thou did send me.”
43And whan he had sae said, he cryʼt wiʼ a soondin voice, “Lazarus! hither! Come!”
44And the deid cam forth, bund haun and fit wiʼ deid‐claes; and his heid bund roond wiʼ a naipkin. Jesus says to them, “Lowse him, and lat him gang!”
45Than a hantle oʼ the Jews wha cam to Mary, and saw aʼ that he did, believed on him;
46But a wheen oʼ them gaed their gate to the Pharisees, and tellʼt them what Jesus had dune.
47The Heigh‐priests and the Pharisees than gaitherʼt a Cooncil; and quoʼ they, “What are we to do? for this man dis mony wunner‐warks.
48“Gin we lat him thus be, aʼ folk wull lippen to him; and the Romans wull come, and tak’ awa oor place and oor kintra frae us!”
49But ane oʼ them, Caiaphas, he bein Heigh‐priest that year, said to them, “Ye ken naething ava!
50“Nor tak intil accoont, that it is better for us that ae man soud dee for the nation, and no that the hail nation soud be cuttit aff!”
51Noo this he spak, no oʼ his ain sel; but bein Heigh‐priest that year, he foretauld that Jesus soud dee for the nation:
52And no for that nation allenarlie; but that he soud gather thegither in ane aʼ Godʼs bairns scatterʼt abreid.
53Sae, frae that day forrit, they plottit thegither to mak awa wiʼ him.
54Sae Jesus gaed nae mair freely amang the Jews; but gaed awa intil the kintra‐side nar‐haun the wilderness, intil a city caʼd Ephraim; and bade thar, wiʼ his disciples.
55Noo the Jewsʼ Pasche was nar‐haun; and mony gaed up frae aʼ the kintra‐side to Jerusalem afore the Pasche, to purify their sels.
56Than socht they for Jesus; and quoʼ they amang their sels, as they stude iʼ the Temple, “What think ye? wull he no come up to the Feast?”
57Noo baith the Heigh‐priests and the Pharisees had gien a commaun, that gin ony ane kent whaur he was, he soud schaw it, that they micht grip him.
John 11: SCO1904

ចង់ឱ្យគំនូសពណ៌ដែលបានរក្សាទុករបស់អ្នក មាននៅលើគ្រប់ឧបករណ៍ទាំងអស់មែនទេ? ចុះឈ្មោះប្រើ ឬចុះឈ្មោះចូល
Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.