Why Do You Race?Sample

Why Do You Race?

DAY 7 OF 10

Godly Reasons to Race 3. Make Disciples

Over the last two days, we’ve seen how we can glorify the Lord through our training and racing by worshipping Him, both individually and with other believers. Today we’ll briefly explore Jesus’s command to invite non-believers to join us in this act of worship as well. In Matthew 28, followers of Jesus have been charged with the opportunity and responsibility of making disciples of all nations. This includes our endurance training partners and co-competitors.

As we consider this charge, let’s begin by defining what we’re commanded to make – disciples. A disciple is generally defined as a learner, student, or follower who accepts and helps spread the teachings of a certain person. In our case this person is Jesus, and we are charged to not only follow Him ourselves, but to also invite and help others follow Him as well. To do this, we introduce people to Jesus and His message, and teach them to observe all that He has taught us through the Bible.

How do we do this as we train and race? Through both our words and our deeds. Through our actions, we are able to demonstrate a changed and compelling life. One that is radically different than those around us or even our own life prior to trusting Jesus. As we train and compete, we imitate the love that Jesus demonstrated through compassion, serving, joy, and uncompromising faithfulness and obedience to God the Father. We also do this through our words as we clearly articulate who God is, His message of salvation, His invitation to repent and believe, and the realities of this world and life. We explain why we are who we are and how others can come to know God personally.

Making disciples is our mission, and God is glorified by accomplishing it.

1. Who invited you to follow Jesus? How did they do it? Are you thankful for them?
2. Is there anything that prevents you from making disciples through endurance sports? What? How can this obstacle to obedience be removed?
3. Is there someone within your endurance community that needs to hear about Jesus’s message? Are you willing to pray for this person and look for an opportunity to clearly explain what Jesus taught?

For additional resources on making disciples through endurance sports, please visit: www.FCAEndurance.org/resources

Day 6Day 8