Breaking Through Barriers To BlessingSample

Breaking Through Barriers To Blessing

DAY 5 OF 5

Having considered the areas of sins, wounds and demons, do you sense the Holy Spirit diagnosing certain barriers to blessing in your life? Have blockages to your spiritual growth been identified? Perhaps you have been able to pinpoint the invisible and malevolent hindrance that somehow is wedged between you and intimacy with God, your Father. It is my prayer that through the Holy Spirit’s interaction with you, you will already have experienced a measure of breakthrough. 

However, the process of healing and deliverance is often progressive, and we must be prepared to navigate the course upon which the Holy Spirit guides us. None of us is the finished article, we are all on a continuing journey, being transformed into the likeness of God’s Son. It is vital that we persevere on this journey and allow the Lord, in His own gentle way, to probe the depths of our sin and pain, to uncover the hidden things, so that He can complete the work of healing and release He has begun in us.

There is no such a thing as ‘spiritual neutrality’. In the spiritual war being waged for our souls, you are either for or against Jesus Christ. Whilst, in their minds, some ‘moderate’ and ‘moral’ people may think they do not oppose Christ, the fact of the matter is: if they are not completely for Christ, they are in a perilous spiritual position. The pursuit of God as faithful followers of Jesus Christ is foundational to long-term freedom. Healing and deliverance must not be sought in isolation from the normal process of Christian discipleship. The believer must close all doors once opened to the enemy and walk close to the Lord, refusing the devil another foothold.

Let me share some simple guidelines to help you stay free once you gain your freedom in Christ:

1. Submit to and co-operate with the Holy Spirit’s renewal of your mind.

2. Be on your guard against temptations to sin.

3. Get into a supportive community of Christians.

4. Cultivate the practice of forgiving the offenses of others.

5. Be immersed in and continually filled with the Holy Spirit.

6. Keep abiding in the love of God the Father.

7. Seek to walk in loving devotion to God’s will in His Word.

8. Put on the armor of God and resist the devil.

Day 4

About this Plan

Breaking Through Barriers To Blessing

Has there been some unidentified hindrance in your  Christian life? Do you often ask the question ‘why me?’ when things go  wrong on a personal level, or ‘why not me?’ when you feel God’s  blessings are eluding you? David Legge helps you unravel the things that may be holding you back from receiving God's blessings.
