Esther ChallengeSample

Esther Challenge

DAY 7 OF 10


God doesn’t care about our background; He wants the best for those that love Him. He will protect us and He will never leave us – just like the King did for Esther.
I rated King Ahasuerus in this chapter because he had to make a difficult decision. Haman was very close to Him, they were buddies and he probably loved him in a ‘bromance’ way. However, when it came to making a decision that would either benefit his friend or his wife. He chose his WIFE.

To the Ladies: Pray for a husband that will put you first above the opinions of his friends.

To the Men: Your (future) wife is your love, your BEST friend, you and her are ONE and you ought to love her in the same way Christ loved the church. Don’t lose a good thing in order to please your friends.

Whatever you intend on using to hurt another will often turn around to hurt you. If you’re sowing wickedness, trying to put someone down, it will boomerang and come back to you! God won’t wink at it. Just look at Haman.

‘Whoever digs a pit will fall into it; if someone rolls a stone, it will roll back on them.’ (Proverbs 26:27)
So, we can see the danger of trying to lay a trap for another to fall into. If we do, we’ll eventually fall into the trap ourselves. If you’re feeling revengeful; pray and leave it to God, just like Esther did.

You can either be humble or be humiliated! ‘Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.’ (Proverbs 16:18) So far we have seen how the prideful nature of Haman led Him to set up his own death. Pride can be such a subtle sin for us; we need to keep ourselves in check. Always pray, ‘less of me and more of you Lord’!

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Day 6Day 8

About this Plan

Esther Challenge

A 10 day challenge to read the book of Esther – a story of great courage and uncompromising faith in the Bible. Esther will challenge your understanding of humility, pride, favour, obedience, and loyalty. Bible challenges go beyond reading because we share our understanding with each other, using the hashtag #EstherChallenge via social media. Bible Challenge MOTTO: The Bible is JUICY. The Bible is LIFE. The Bible is for YOU!


We would like to thank Kanayo Dike-Oduah for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: