Biblical Vision Of CommitmentSample

Biblical Vision Of Commitment

DAY 1 OF 4

The Bible and Covenant relationships

How do we understand the nature of commitment in a capitalist society? If we do not like our jobs we can quit and move to another one. If we do not like a particular grocery store, we can shift to a more convenient one. It seems that convenience is the biggest priority and commitment way down the list. It is not difficult for us to see how this idea has infiltrated into our relationships. Statistics show a large number of fathers who have left their homes because it has become highly inconvenient for them to look after their families. The number of marriages which break down because either one of the spouse or both find out that marriage isn’t as convenient as they thought it would be. This is a dangerous place for us to be. One that can have devastating effects on individuals and society as a whole.

But in the Bible we see a very different picture. Throughout scripture we see that the only way God relates to His people is through covenant relationships. A covenant can be defined as a deep and meaningful commitment. Covenant promises can arguably be stated as the most important theme throughout the Biblical narrative. Adamic covenant, Noahic covenant, Abrahamic covenant, Davidic covenant (The verses of the covenant promises are the Bible readings of this devotional) are a few of the prominent covenant relationships we see.

The value the Bible places on commitment is very important. It does not view it as something to be taken lightly but to be revered and taken with caution. This deep rooted commitment to God we see in the Bible must be the basis of our meaningful commitment to one another. We cannot be in a relationship with another as long as we get a certain pleasure or happiness from them and then quit as soon as the pleasure dies. We are called to be faithful to our commitments to God and to each other. The Bible also shows us that from deep and meaningful commitments, something beautiful and lasting is born. Something that can only be understood when it has stood the test of time.

As you start this devotional pray that God would strengthen your understanding of commitment to Him and to those around you.

Day 2

About this Plan

Biblical Vision Of Commitment

 Personal happiness and satisfaction seem to be the highest goal in the world we live in today. In such a society the nature of commitment becomes warped. In this devotional we look at the importance the Bible has placed on commitment and why we need to apply it in our lives.  
