True North: Breaking Out Of The Prison Of PornSample

True North: Breaking Out Of The Prison Of Porn

DAY 1 OF 7

The Heart

Few people would argue that infidelity is wrong. Proverbs 5 addresses adultery by instructing us to avoid any sexual activity with a woman outside our marriage (for you single guys, that means every woman). However, Satan wants us to think about adultery only as an outward, physical interaction with another person.

A very common misconception is that because Jesus died for our sins and the debt is paid, our lives should be much easier given that we now live in freedom. But Jesus took Old Testament law and raised expectations by telling us that adultery occurs long before we engage in sexual activity. It starts in our hearts. Without Jesus, it might seem like Proverbs 5 doesn't apply to porn, but Jesus connects the two very clearly.
When Jesus died on the cross, His blood was shed in your place to pay the debt of your sins, including all the porn you've looked at. When He rose from the grave, He conquered death, showing that no sin, no amount of pornography has power that can match His.

Day 2

About this Plan

True North: Breaking Out Of The Prison Of Porn

Pornography is a pervasive and effective tool used by our enemy to isolate men and take them out. Satan would have you believe that you are alone in your engagement/addiction of pornography. He wants you to believe that if anyone ever found out you would be an outcast and even more alone and hurting. Let me assure you, his accusations are lies. Jesus wants us to bring our failure into the light. It is in the light that darkness flees. You are not alone in this struggle. LIVE Free!
