Shellie Rushing Tomlinson: Heart Wide OpenSample

Shellie Rushing Tomlinson: Heart Wide Open

DAY 3 OF 3

Taking Courage in God’s Love

Back in my daughter’s “Bunny Hop” recital days, her teacher Miss Missy would stand below the stage and dance along with her littlest students during their numbers so they could mimic her movements. Even if they knew the routine, her presence inspired them with confidence when the lights lowered. The only thing better would have been for her to be in their heads, directing them every step of the way. Such inside-out leading is exactly what we enjoy through the Spirit of Grace that lives in us.

We don’t have to be afraid of falling if we’re leaning on the One who never fails!

Over and over in the Gospels, Jesus told people to “take courage.” Today He says the same to you and me. Courage is readily available to Christ’s followers because courage lives in us through the Holy Spirit. Could you use more courage to follow Christ? It is yours for the asking. Reach out to Him! As long as we are walking in the Light, there’s always more.

Among the assurances Jesus gave His followers as He prepared to leave them was this mind-boggling promise: “In that day you will ask in My name, and I do not say to you that I will request of the Father on your behalf; for the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me and have believed that I came forth from the Father” ( John 16:26–27).

Now there’s a truckload of courage for all comers! Your belief in Jesus qualifies you as one of God’s favorites. Okay, maybe I’m paraphrasing, but here’s the bottom line: Jesus said the Father has a special love for you because of your belief in His Son.

Too cool! Finally, we can all be the Teacher’s pet! (Back in the day, I always envied the kid who got to be the teacher’s pet. For some reason nonstop talkers like me seldom enjoyed that distinction. I don’t understand it either. I was just trying to keep things moving.)

My friend, are you a believer? Then revel in God’s love for you because of your belief in Jesus. Your secure role as Teacher’s pet is all the more reason not to be intimidated—not by a spiritual giant, a superhero, or your own weakness.

Courage to begin following Jesus and courage to continue are both found by training our eyes on Him.


Day 2

About this Plan

Shellie Rushing Tomlinson: Heart Wide Open

Author Shellie Rushing Tomlinson shares how she discovered her lack of genuine passion for Christ and the practical steps she took to develop a sincere love, deeper faith and intimate relationship with Jesus.


We would like to thank Shellie Rushing Tomlinson for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: