You Are God's Temple: Devotions From Time of GraceSample

You Are God's Temple: Devotions From Time of Grace

DAY 1 OF 37

Introduction “Who am I?” Certain times in people’s lives drive that question to the front burner. The teen years can be confusing to a young person’s self-image. People groping for a career, not just another job, can’t figure out what they’re good at (or good for). People who get laid off from their jobs or suffer breakup of their marriages have their self-image badly shaken. Middle-aged people have been known to break down in their ruts and routines and question their identity. Retirement can bring more stress than joy to people who don’t know what to do next. Are you secure and comfortable in your identity? It’s okay--you can be honest with me. What’s that? Sometimes you aren’t sure who you are anymore? Sometimes you don’t know if you have a purpose in life? Sometimes you even doubt your own sanity? I have friends who tell me those things, and sometimes I struggle with those issues myself. It is for just such times as those that I wrote this devotional for you. Your God has a very high view of your life, and he would like you to feel valuable and useful. Here is his promise to all believers in Christ: “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?” (1 Corinthians 6:19). Whoa--when was the last time you felt like a walking temple of God? Could it be that God’s Spirit really lives in you? Let’s explore God’s amazing promise and what it means for your life. C’mon in!
Day 2