Take The HelpSample

Take The Help

DAY 2 OF 5

He Transforms And Equips Us

The life I lived before I came to Jesus Christ was one of self-satisfaction; my way or the highway! I had no present father in my life so growing up without love expressed made me very callous, hard, rebellious and prideful. I couldn’t take advice because I thought I knew it all; it only led me down a road of multiple mistakes, heartbreak, and a stony heart. Perhaps your situation differs from mine, but I am sure you have experienced some things in life that caused your heart to become hard also. 

The beauty of the Holy Spirit is his eagerness to enter our lives even though we are messed up, cold towards life, imperfect and unlovable. In the world, if someone does not have the Holy Spirit working in their lives, there is no way they would be eager to embrace the chaos of another person’s life, but instead they would look for ways to avoid a person that’s unworthy of their time and effort. Trying to live this life without the help of the Holy Spirit only leads us to failure and frustrations.

Jesus was getting ready to leave the earth, and the disciples were worried knowing the persecution about to be unleashed. Jesus said, “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby,” that he may remain with you forever.” (John 14:16 AMP). In other words, Jesus was saying, “In order to deal with life you would need help from someone that is just like me.” And as promised on the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit came like a rushing wind. (Acts 2:2 NIV). Do you see the description, rushing; it suggests an eagerness to come and be part of our lives. The Holy Spirit hasn’t changed his excitement or enthusiasm for indwelling a born-again Christian. As long as we accept Christ as our Savior, the Holy Spirit is waiting with great anticipation for a life that can be transformed. 

To be free from a past of abuse, rejection or shame or to forgive those who have hurt you, or to break an addiction, anger or hate we must take the help of the promised Holy Spirit. To face life challenges like battling sickness and disease, or coping with losing a job or house or loved one we just don’t have that strength on our own. It is my prayer for you today that you could recognize you cannot do this life anymore without the Help of the Holy Spirit and allow him to have free reign in your life so you may be transformed and equipped for what lies ahead.

Holy Spirit please be more active in my life, please transform and equip me for life.

Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

Take The Help

We all go thru life running on self-effort, and we eventually get to the “pulling out our hair” moments from all that we must deal with daily. However, did you know that our Heavenly Father gave  us a helper? This helper supersedes all our natural abilities and once we get to the point of total dependence life becomes easier- “Would you take the help today?”
