

DAY 1 OF 3

If you’ve been in Christian community circles for any time, you’ve probably heard more than a few strong and affirming “Amens” at the end of this statement.

“God doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called.”

In full transparency, I’ve always cringed at that statement. In the effort to adapt to a Tik-Tok world, we sometimes have a habit of creating a soundbyte and repeating it so often that it’s virtually seen as truth even if it's nowhere in the Bible.

Other statements you may have heard are“God helps those who help themselves.” or “God won’t give you more than you can handle.”

God's Truth is much deeper - and better - than what these soundbytes give us.

We often adore catchy phrases that rhyme and sound beautiful. Many times they are incredibly helpful to our overtasked and continually connected brains. They often have fragments of truth.

To be clear, I’m not against using catchy phrases. (I am the prime example of desperately needing simplicity and clarity in my life.) However, we should use these phrases to point to a deeper meaning, a deeper understanding, and a deeper journey with a God who wants a personal relationship with us. Soundbytes are like wedding cake tastings that make you long for the real celebration!

So, let's take the next three days to unpack this soundbyte together, “God doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called.”

We must first remember that it is all about God. When we focus on seeking His truth and His honor, we keep the focus on the right thing. When we focus on building up long lists of our own qualifications, we miss the point.

Throughout Scripture, God called people who were both qualified and unqualified to demonstrate His glory, to shine a light in the darkness. Because there is none like Him, none above Him, none beside Him, God must be held in the reverence and awe-filled wonder He deserves. No other on heaven or earth holds this perfect balance of complete love and perfect truth. We are created to worship Him, to point towards Him with everything we are and everything we do. God can do much with simple and pure worship.

God is the ultimate Qualifier. From the very beginning, He was and continues to be the Source of all good gifts. As we prepare to explore these questions of qualification over the next two days, let’s first take a moment to reflect on His Truth. God, we remember and are grateful for Your unending love, kindness, mercy, and grace towards us. May we chase after You more than anything else.

Day 2

About this Plan


Do you ever wonder if you are qualified for what lies ahead? The qualification from our Father isn’t a one-time event but a constant wooing that draws us closer and closer to His heart. The song of His calling is always new, always fresh, and always hopeful for the future. Join us for a deep, 3-day journey as we explore the heart of God, our calling, and the power of dark hallways.
