Intimacy With Godნიმუში

Building Intimacy: The Word
In John 14:21-24, Jesus repeatedly uses the word “love” (agape), emphasizing its profound significance in our relationship with Him. This love is both a call and a gift: a call for us to love Him wholeheartedly and a reminder that God’s love for us is unconditional, even in our imperfections. John underscores this truth beautifully in John 3:16: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.”
But, love, as Jesus teaches, is not merely a feeling; it is demonstrated through obedience. Jesus says, “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments” (John 14:15). This obedience isn’t about fulfilling a checklist of rules. Instead, it’s a response born out of trust, gratitude, and devotion. Obedience is how we remain connected to Him, as Jesus explains through the metaphor of the vine and branches: “If you keep My commands, you will remain in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commands and remain in His love” (John 15:10). Obedience reflects our willingness to trust God completely and to walk in step with His will.
But how can we obey if we don’t know what God asks of us? This is where the Word of God and the Holy Spirit work together to guide us.
Paul reminds us in 2 Timothy 3:16–17: “All Scripture is inspired by God and beneficial for teaching, for rebuke, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man or woman of God may be fully capable, equipped for every good work.” The Bible reveals God’s message, His heart, and His ways. But understanding it requires more than intellect; it requires the illumination of the Holy Spirit. Paul confesses in 1 Corinthians 2:1–4 that his knowledge of Scripture and wisdom didn’t come from human effort but from the Spirit of God. We need the Holy Spirit in order to understand the Word so that we may obey the Word and live it out.
Jesus describes obedience using the word “keep” in John 14:21. In the original Greek, it was used to refer to soldiers or centurions tasked to watch over prisoners. In those days, soldiers would carry out their duties with extreme caution and seriousness because losing even a single prisoner would cost them their lives. Jesus was making the point that keeping His commands is relational, but it requires the same seriousness and commitment – not as a burdensome duty but as an expression of our love and devotion to Him. We are able to do this through the empowering work of the Holy Spirit.
When we lean on the Holy Spirit to guide us through Scripture, our obedience becomes more than an action – it becomes an expression of love and intimacy with Christ. This obedience strengthens our relationship with Him and transforms us to reflect His character.
May your love for Jesus inspire you to treasure His Word, abide in Him, and follow His commands with joy as the Holy Spirit empowers you to walk closely with God every day.
Let's Reflect
What impacted you today?
Heavenly Father,
Teach me, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to understand and obey Your commands, not out of obligation, but as a response of love and trust. Help me to treasure Your Word as a way to become more intimate with You.
I love You, Lord. Amen.
About this Plan

Discover the heart of intimacy with God in this transformative devotional. Through Scripture and reflection, explore how we were created for closeness with Him, the barriers we face, and how to nurture a deeper connection through His Word, prayer, and trust. Whether you’re new in faith or have walked with God for years, this journey will inspire you to embrace the joy of knowing and being known by Him. Intimacy with God isn’t a destination but a daily invitation. Start today and experience the life-changing joy of walking closer with God.
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