31 Days of UnitySample

31 Days of Unity

DAY 31 OF 31

(Re)deem: For 31 days we have spent time reflecting on scripture, seeking renewal in our lives and communities, and asking God to use us to help redeem the world. This journey has been specifically designed to take us through a process that would begin to change the way we think and behave. This is how God brings us into new life. God arrives and disrupts the ways we think, understand, and behave. We move from living like the world around us to being the children of God and living like Jesus.

Romans 12:2 names this work within us, saying, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- his good, pleasing, and perfect will.”

The world shapes us to live and think a certain way that contradicts God’s design for us. We can see our conformity to the world in all the ways we perpetuate injustice, build walls of hostility, create enemies, and live lives of anger, outrage, impatience, and retribution. Those whose minds are conformed to God’s will, however, are a people of sincere love. They hate evil and cling to good. They are devoted to one another and seek to honor one another. They set aside selfishness for the zealous love of God and neighbor. They are hospitable, generous, merciful, and they live in harmony with one another.

Our pursuit of unity is going to take a lot longer than 31 days because we so easily conform to the patterns of this world. It may take our entire lives, living in community with other Christians and serving the world together, for our minds to finally conform to God’s will. But, this is the life we are called to, and it is a life of great joy and blessing. On the other side of the walls that divide us is the gift of unity. On the other side of praying for and blessing our enemies is freedom from hatred and healing. Waiting across the division that keeps us from knowing those who are different from us is a community of belonging that will enrich our lives.

So we are left with this charge from Romans 12:18, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” We can’t control how others will live, but in our pursuit of unity, we can control how we live. So may we commit our lives, each and every day, to the pursuit of peace through our conformity to the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.

After reading the passage, ask yourself these questions:

  • What is one pattern of the world you see the church conforming to?
  • What is a pattern that is hard for you to break free of in your life?
  • At the end of this 31-day campaign, what has God taught you? What has God revealed to you?
  • What are you going to do about these truths God has revealed to you?

Our Prayer for (Re)demption

Jesus, you did not come into the world to condemn the world, but to bring salvation. May your light shine brightly through your children, that in our love of one another, the unity of the Church, and our service to the world, all may see your glory and be drawn into life with you. Amen

Day 30

About this Plan

31 Days of Unity

This reading plan is for all those who long for unity in the church. In a world of anger, division, and animosity Jesus calls us to walk a different path. The journey begins with reflection, spending ten days paying attention to God and our lives. The study then moves into ten days of renewal, opening space for us to hear from God and to experience healing in our lives. The final eleven days focus on our redemptive work to love and serve the world.
