Made to MoveSample

Made to Move

DAY 5 OF 6

Are You Wearing the Wrong Name Tag?

First of all, wow! You’re on Day 5 of this Bible Plan. Go ahead and give yourself a high five! (And if anyone looks at you weird for doing that, go give them a high five, too.)

You’ve learned a lot about moving impossible mountains. Today, think about this mountain that everyone who follows Jesus needs to care about: Some people are wearing the wrong name tag. It might even be you!

Watch this video to understand this whole name tag thing a little better.

Some people feel left out, rejected, unloved, or empty. Maybe you sometimes feel this way too.

And maybe you don’t always know what to do about this mountain in your life or in the lives of the people around you. But guess what! God’s love can move impossible mountains!

Here’s a label everyone can wear and be encouraged by: Loved by God!

You were made to move. Who can you encourage today? Who can you encourage tomorrow? Who needs to remove false name tags from their heart?

As you read the story of Zacchaeus today, pay attention to how Jesus is teaching you to call people by name and give them your listening ear.

Try thinking about it this way: Who is one person you know who needs some encouragement? What’s one way you could share God’s love with them this week?

It’s coming: Day 6 holds the surprise! If you know Matthew 17:20 by heart, it will make the surprise even better! Check it out in the NLT version of the Bible to get ready! (Don’t you dare peek! For real!)

Pray: God, thank You for everything You’re teaching me. Help me to look at everyone around me—and also myself—with Your eyes. You say we are loved. You say we are Your children. As You encourage me, help me to encourage others with Your love. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Day 4Day 6

About this Plan

Made to Move

As faith-filled followers of Jesus, we’ve got some impossible mountains to move—mountains in our relationships, neighborhoods, and the world! But it doesn’t take mountain-sized faith to get started! This six-day Bible Plan shows God can use even the smallest amount of faith to do impossible things!
