Hope: A Courageous Journey of FaithSample

Hope: A Courageous Journey of Faith

DAY 17 OF 21


Even though our circumstances change, God does not. God is always and has always been the same, his promises of salvation, grace and mercy have never changed.

He does not promise us a trouble free life, but he does promise us an eternity filled with joy and holiness.

We are to use our circumstances boldly for Christ bearing witness to those who seek Him, who need comfort in their circumstances. Our light in darkness shines bright for those whose darkness surrounds them because when we say yes in our obedience to God, joy comes!


After returning from New York, Todd and I had to stop by Austin Elementary, where all three kids had gone and where Peyton now attended.

While we were there, a custodian stopped me and said, “Can I talk to you a minute?”

She went on to tell me how her fifteen-year-old son was facing a medical issue with his heart, and it was affecting his behavior and attitude. He was leaving home and not coming back, not taking his medicine, and exhibiting other self-destructive behaviors. “How do you cope with this?” the woman asked.

Our situations weren’t the same—Taylor had died in an accident; her son was facing a long-term illness and possibly death if he didn’t make some adjustments in his lifestyle.   However, I understood her fear, and the feeling that things were spiraling  out of control. I knew how helpless she must have felt, so I said, “When I feel like you do, I pray.” I then asked if I could pray for her and her son.  She nodded, trying to hold back the tears.

I knew I didn’t have any concrete answers for her. Tragedy strikes different people in different ways, and the only sure thing is that God understands our pain and will help us get through it. That was the best I could offer—a way to connect with him.

Todd was with me and joined me in praying for her. On the way home Todd said, “It really touched me when you ministered to her. Knowing how much pain you are still carrying, it was just so beautiful to see you reach out to her even in the midst of your own grief.” 

His words meant a lot. He was right; I dealt with a lot of pain, and I wasn’t sure I could say it had lessened much. But I had come a long way from those initial days. Some days I still felt like I had a long way to go.

A few days later, I was reading Scripture when I came across 1 Peter 5:10, “The suffering won’t last forever. It won’t be long before this generous God who has great plans for us in Christ—eternal and glorious plans they are!—will have you put together and on your feet for good” (Message).

I already knew the good days on earth were temporary; my faith told me the bad days would soon end too. My hope was in God, not in my own ability to fix things.

Do you believe God has eternal and glorious plans for you?  If so, is this reflected in your daily life, a light that shines brightly on its stand? 

Is your light dimming from the pain of your circumstance?  Pray for the Holy Spirit to open your mind and your heart for the true light of God to shine through you and serve others in need. 
Day 16Day 18

About this Plan

Hope: A Courageous Journey of Faith

This 21 Day Reading Plan will take the reader through a journey of hope during trying times, despair or tragedy. The reading plan is built from the critically acclaimed book, Taylor's Gift: A Courageous Story of Giving Life and Renewing Hope.
