How to Make First Dates Less Awkward and More FruitfulSample

How to Make First Dates Less Awkward and More Fruitful

DAY 2 OF 5

Day 2: Conversation Starters

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

- Ephesians 4:29

Choosing a comfortable place for a first date is only part of the equation. For the experience to truly be fruitful, you have to have fruitful conversations. One of the best ways to avoid awkward silences and learn more about each other is to have a few conversation starters up your sleeve. Think about interesting topics like travel, movies, hobbies, or fun facts about yourself. Come up with a few open-ended questions to get them talking, too. It’s not about scripting the whole date but having a lifeline when you need it.

One of the most important conversations to have on a first date is about faith. If you eventually want to get married, you need to make sure you share the same beliefs.

Here are five questions about faith to get the conversation flowing:

1. What Role Does Faith Play in Your Life?

This question dives into how central their faith is to their daily decisions, values, and interactions with others. It helps you understand if your spiritual lives are compatible and if you prioritize your beliefs in the same way.

2. How Do You Connect With God?

Some find closeness to God in nature, others through music, and some through serving those in need. This question is a way to see how they incorporate their faith into regular life, making it personal and real.

3. What's Your Favorite Bible Verse and Why?

This question reveals the guiding principles of their life and what spiritually motivates them. Whether it’s a verse about love, courage, or faith, the reason behind their choice can show what values are most important.

4. How Important Is Church to You?

This question sheds light on whether they see church as a vital part of their spiritual life, merely a weekly obligation, or something in between. It reveals not just their personal beliefs but also how they engage with a community that supports, challenges and grows together in faith.

5. What Challenges Have You Faced in Your Faith?

Everyone has moments of doubt or challenge. Hearing about their struggles and how they've overcome them (or are working through them) can show their resilience and dependence on God. It's an intimate glance into their spiritual battles and victories.

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How to Make First Dates Less Awkward and More Fruitful

So, you've got a first date lined up, and the butterflies in your stomach are doing somersaults. We've all been there — wondering if it'll be an awkward silence fest or if sparks will fly. While you can’t control everything, in this 5-day devotional, we’re sharing a few things you can do to make first dates less awkward and more fun and fruitful.
