Thirsting: Quenching Our Soul's Deepest DesireSample

Thirsting: Quenching Our Soul's Deepest Desire

DAY 4 OF 5

Dependent on the Vine

In our pursuit of God, we are not factory lines pumping out prayer, character, and work. We are branches dependent on the Vine. As Jesus says in John 15:5: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

Vines, branches, and gardens don’t operate on productivity. They live by the rule of fruitfulness. They’re not in control, they’re at the mercy of the sun, moon, and wind. Branches don’t produce fruit all year round at a steady pace. They’re pruned and shaped. Waiting is a natural part of their fruiting.

Where productivity is about human control, fruitfulness is about dependency. This is why Paul refers to the “fruits” of the Spirit in Galatians 5. We’re branches, bringing only out of ourselves the love, joy, peace, and vitality that are first experienced in the Vine.

And how freeing that is! Because no matter our desire, no matter our thirst, you and I will experience plenty of seasons where we see no fruit on the tree. Where it feels like all we’re seeing are branches falling to the ground around us, only death. We may notice seeds from last season’s harvest falling into the soil of our lives, but as sure as we see them drop, they’re covered again, hidden for years to come.

Maybe it’s ongoing illness, crippling anxiety or depression, or life circumstances we can’t change. We pray and seek God to free us but it persists. Maybe it’s that we long to love Him more than we do, we ache for it, but our hearts are dim and our flame just a flicker.

As we recognize our thirst for God, we can trust Him in and through every season, regardless of what we can see. We can relent to His pruning, His watering, and His love and intimacy with us and through us. We can rest in His presence and keep saying yes to His love. We don’t have to understand, we don’t have to feel or even see it, we can simply trust. And when we do fruit and our lives leap into spring, we can thank Him for bearing in us what can only be produced by His lovingkindness.

How would you describe the season of life you are in with God right now?

Day 3Day 5

About this Plan

Thirsting: Quenching Our Soul's Deepest Desire

What if that longing you feel, that sense of wanting “more,” is a sign of God’s longing for you? This week’s devotional reminds us that God’s greatest desire is for us to move beyond shame to receive His love and drink Him deeply, to move beyond productivity to say yes to communion with Him. We thirst for Him because He thirsts for us.
