

DAY 2 OF 7

Who is Titus?

Today, we dive into Titus 1:5 and learn more about the man to whom this letter is addressed. This letter is unique as it is written from one man, Paul, to another, Titus. Unlike Paul's other letters, which were often addressed to entire churches or groups of people, this one has a personal touch, aimed at a single individual with a significant mission.

Titus 1:5
For this reason I left you in Crete, that you would set in order what remains and appoint elders in every city as I directed you,

Titus was a trusted companion and fellow worker of Paul. His role was crucial in the early Christian church. Paul left him in Crete, a challenging environment, to restore and strengthen the local church. Titus was tasked with completing what Paul had started, particularly in establishing church leadership by appointing elders in every town.

Understanding Titus' background and the trust Paul placed in him can encourage us in our own faith journeys. Titus was not a prominent figure when we first encounter him. Yet, through his faithfulness and dedication, he earned Paul's trust and was given significant responsibilities.

Paul's letters to Titus reflect not only instructions but also a deep trust and respect for Titus' capabilities and character. This relationship exemplifies the mentor-mentee dynamic within the early church, highlighting the importance of discipleship and leadership development.

Titus’ mission in Crete involved addressing issues within the church, promoting sound doctrine, and ensuring good order. Despite the daunting nature of his task, Paul’s confidence in Titus was unwavering. Paul believed in Titus' ability to discern, appoint, and guide others to lead effectively.

In our own lives, we may face daunting tasks or feel unprepared for the responsibilities ahead. Yet, like Titus, we can trust that God equips us for the missions He assigns. Our identity and assignment, as Paul illustrated in his letter, are rooted in our relationship with Christ and our willingness to serve Him.

Reflect on the following points today:

  1. Faithfulness in Small Tasks: Like Titus, be faithful in smaller tasks and roles. God often prepares us for greater responsibilities through these experiences. (Luke 16:10)
  2. Mentorship and Discipleship: Seek mentors who can guide you in your faith journey, and also look for opportunities to mentor others. (2 Timothy 2:2)
  3. Trust in God's Equipping: Remember that God equips those He calls. You may feel inadequate, but God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9)
  4. Purposeful Assignments: Embrace your assignments with the understanding that they are part of God's greater plan. Your role, no matter how small it seems, contributes to the body of Christ. (1 Corinthians 12:12-27)

As we reflect on the relationship between Paul and Titus and the important work Titus was called to do, let us also be inspired to pursue our own callings with dedication, faith, and trust in God's provision.

Day 1Day 3

About this Plan


Stuck between 2 Timothy and Philemon, you will find 46 verses of what it means to be the church! Ten of those verses feature two of the most profound gospel passages in the New Testament. This is why the message you get when reading Titus is: 'God has saved you so that you may partner with the local church in spreading and living out the Gospel of Jesus Christ!'
