New Testament Marriage: Lessons From Aquila and Priscilla ნიმუში

New Testament Marriage: Lessons From Aquila and Priscilla

DAY 7 OF 10

Your Marriage A Ministry

The first time we ever had the privilege of traveling in the Middle East, we visited the Dead Sea. This body of water is not just salty, it is bitter. Nothing survives at the lowest point on earth. The words of our host ring vividly in my mind: “For centuries, the Jordan River flowed into this body of water. Living things flowed constantly into it. The problem was that nothing ever flowed out of it, and life becomes death when it is kept to itself.”

So many marriages die, not because good things do not go into them, but because nothing good ever flows out of them. Books are read, retreats are attended, sermons are heard, and lessons are learned - but life always becomes death when it is kept to itself.

This is why people can accumulate great knowledge and experience and still be so miserable. They take in truth and blessings constantly but never learn the open secret of ministering to others.

Many couples have experienced God’s goodness and heard God’s truth, but they have never learned to share it. Blessed people become bitter people when they begin to think it is all about them. Many marriages have become miserable because they never had a ministry. God has designed it so that as we minister to others, it is best for them and for us! Isn’t that just like our gracious God to work on both ends at the same time?

Aquila and Priscilla ministered to the preacher in the local church.

Paul called them“my helpers in Christ Jesus” (Romans 16:3). Not everyone will be a leader, but everyone can be a helper. The ministry of helpers is a crucial work in every local church (1 Corinthians 12:28). Any pastor will tell you that one of the greatest needs in the church is for more workers, people who are simply willing to help. Christ’s one prayer request was for more gospel laborers (Matthew 9:38). Determine by God’s grace that you will be one.

It is also important to see that this service requires sacrifice. So many want to help if it is convenient. Personal comfort and public credit can never be the motivation for those who serve Christ and His church. Paul testified that this couple“have for my life laid down their own necks” (Romans 16:4). Are you willing to put your neck on the line?

We must determine that we will be givers and not just takers. Aquila and Priscilla seemed to have a special desire to help God’s preachers. Two of the most effective preachers of their generation, Paul and Apollos, were both directly influenced by this godly couple. The story of Aquila and Priscilla is the story of influence, influence yielded to God and used for His glory. Pray for the preacher, and speak a word of encouragement to him. The whole church will be better because of it.

Aquila and Priscilla ministered to the people in the local church.

When Paul was closing his first letter to the church at Corinth, he wrote,“Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 16:19). Following the letters of Paul, we discover that this couple moved from Rome to Corinth, from Corinth to Ephesus, from Ephesus back to Rome, and finally back to Ephesus. How wonderful to see that wherever they lived, they connected their lives and families to God’s work in a local church. When Paul wrote to Corinth, they were living in Ephesus and sent a special greeting to fellow believers back in Corinth. By the time he wrote to the church in Rome, they already had the church meeting in their house (Romans 16:3-5). They were encouragers!

Ask the Lord to make you an Aquila and Priscilla in your church. Speak kind words and seek to be a blessing to as many people as possible. Your family needs the local church and your local church needs your family.

You may not be able to do everything, but you can do something. And you can lead your family to do the same. Begin right where you are, and begin in your own home.“As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD”(Joshua 24:15).

Day 6Day 8

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New Testament Marriage: Lessons From Aquila and Priscilla

Aquila and Priscilla - this husband and wife team is mentioned in four different books of the Bible. They were not church “office holders” in their day and are not world-famous today, but God used them to make a difference for eternity. Join Scott Pauley for this study of New Testament Marriage: Lessons from Aquila and Priscilla.
