Walking in Wonder - Draw Near to God as You Navigate Your Child's Second Year of LifeSample

Walking in Wonder - Draw Near to God as You Navigate Your Child's Second Year of Life

DAY 1 OF 5

When You Walk Along the Way

I wish I could remind each mother I know, every single day, of the high and holy calling of motherhood. Our culture reduces motherhood to its lowest common denominator: physical duties that can be easily outsourced. Motherhood is so much more. Motherhood is nurturing living souls who are of inestimably great importance to our Father. In fact, God charges mothers and fathers alike with this command of grave importance: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30), and we are to teach this and His commandments to our children. He wants us to talk about those commands when we sit, when we walk, when we lie down, when we rise up. In other words, all the time!

Your toddler is still too young to understand much, but you can begin now to build the atmosphere in your home with rhythms and routines. For instance, in the morning or evening you can have a habit of singing a song about God and reading a Bible picture book together. You can play uplifting Christian music in your house to set the tone. You can be a part of a church community and make regular weekly worship, serving others, and community fellowship a habit now that will continue for years to come. And most importantly, you can grow in your wholehearted mind, body, and soul love of God so that it permeates you.

Day 2