Church Planting Insights From 1 ThessaloniansSample

Church Planting Insights From 1 Thessalonians

DAY 1 OF 7

The Apostle Paul’s church planting example in Thessalonica can serve as a model for men and women on church planting teams today. When the Apostle Paul wrote to the new church in Thessalonica that he, Silas, and Timothy had started, he said in 1 Thessalonians 1:6 (NIV), “You know how we lived among you for your sake. You became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you welcomed the message amid severe suffering with the joy given by the Holy Spirit.”

What message was Paul talking about?

·The message he and his team communicated in word and demonstrated in deed.

·The message of repentance is demonstrated by deeds that clearly display a changed life.

·The message of love for God and neighbor is clearly demonstrated by loving behavior and deeds of kindness.

·The message of faith in Christ is clearly demonstrated by a life of prayer that looks to God first at every moment of need.

Paul reminded the Thessalonians of his team's exemplary lifestyle. He joyfully recalls that their example impacted the Thessalonians. His proof? Paul confidently asserts that the Thessalonian believers became imitators of Paul, Silas, Timothy, and the Lord.

As a church planter preaching repentance and faith in Christ, you want to know that your message is understood. As a church planting team member, you want to know that people truly learn from your teaching. But how can you know for sure? We love to hear testimonies of transformed lives. But what really assures us of transformation is when we see changed behavior.

Paul said, “You became imitators of us and of the Lord.” As church planters, we lead by example. Yes, our words are important. Yes, we teach and preach and tell Bible stories. But the life we lead is the best example of new life in Christ. Our example shows the way. When new believers imitate our lifestyle, we know that God is at work transforming individuals and families. As a church planter, your example of faith, hope, and love is always displayed. Will your example be a good example or a poor example?

It’s not easy to live a life that is under constant observation. But people are watching you. They want to know if the Gospel is really true. They want to see if your lifestyle truly reflects the words you speak. So, make sure you are fully devoted to Christ. Ensure you are dying to yourself and living for God and others. Be sure to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Walk humbly with your God. When you do, you can testify about your church the way Paul did about the Thessalonians, “You became imitators of us and the Lord.” What a day of rejoicing that will be!

o Acts 16

o 1 Thessalonians 1:4-10

Day 2

About this Plan

Church Planting Insights From 1 Thessalonians

The Apostle Paul was a master church planter. The church his team started in Thessalonica was an exemplary church. Church planting is hard work. But if we follow Paul's wisdom-filled example, we are more likely to plant healthy churches and live to tell about them. This seven-day plan takes you through 1 Thessalonians and its back story, highlighting a few practical insights from Paul along the way.
