The Driven Family: Building a Legacy of Faith and Perseverance Sample

The Driven Family: Building a Legacy of Faith and Perseverance

DAY 5 OF 5

Day 5: Opportunities for the Driven Family

Devotional: As we come to the end of our journey exploring what it means to be a Driven Family, we turn our attention to the incredible opportunities that lie before us. God has given each of our families unique gifts, passions, and callings – and when we embrace those opportunities with faith and obedience, we open ourselves up to a world of possibility and purpose.

Initiative → Activation One of the hallmarks of a Driven Family is a strong sense of initiative – the desire to take action, to be proactive, and to make things happen. But as we've seen throughout this study, initiative without direction can easily lead us astray. That's why God calls us not just to take initiative, but to activate our faith in service of His kingdom purposes.

When we allow our initiative to be guided by God's leading, we become catalysts for positive change in the world around us. We see needs and opportunities that others might overlook, and we step forward in faith to meet those needs and seize those opportunities. We become activators, setting things in motion and inspiring others to join us in making a difference.

Courage → Revolutionary

Driven Families are also known for their courage – their willingness to take risks, step out of their comfort zones, and face challenges head-on. But as we seek to follow God's calling on our lives, we may find ourselves facing uncharted territory – new frontiers that require boldness, creativity, and a pioneering spirit.

This is where the opportunity for being revolutionary comes in. When we embrace our God-given courage and step out in faith, we become revolutionaries – people who forge new paths, break down barriers, and create new possibilities for others to follow. We may be called to start new ministries, launch new businesses, or pioneer new solutions to age-old problems. Whatever the specific calling, we can trust that God will give us the courage and the resources we need to revolutionize for His glory.

Zeal → Momentum Finally, Driven Families are characterized by a contagious zeal – a passion and enthusiasm that inspires and energizes those around them. When we allow our zeal to be fueled by our love for God and our desire to serve Him, we create a powerful momentum that can propel us forward in our callings and make a lasting impact on the world.

The opportunity here is to harness that momentum and use it to advance God's kingdom purposes. We can be the spark that ignites a movement, the catalyst that sets things in motion, the engine that drives positive change. And as we do so, we'll find that our zeal is not only contagious but also self-sustaining – the more we pour ourselves out in service of God and others, the more we'll be filled with joy, purpose, and a renewed passion for the journey ahead.

As we reflect on these opportunities, let us be encouraged and inspired by the words of Ephesians 2:10: "For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Each of us, and each of our families, has been uniquely crafted and called by God to make a difference in the world. Let us embrace that calling with faith, courage, and zeal – knowing that as we do so, we'll experience the joy and fulfillment of living out our God-given purpose.

As we conclude this devotional series, take the next step to become a Driven Family. Join our Masterclass to discover your family's mission statement, vision, and core values.

Empower your family to live with clarity, unity, and purpose. Sign up today and embark on a journey that will transform your family's life and impact the world around you.

Check out to enroll in the FREE Master class and start your journey towards intentional direction!

Questions for Reflection:

  1. How has God uniquely gifted and called your family to make a difference in the world? What specific needs or opportunities has He placed on your hearts?
  2. In what areas of your life do you feel God calling you to take initiative and be an activator for positive change? How can you step forward in faith and obedience?
  3. What new frontiers or uncharted territories is God calling your family to explore? How can you embrace the opportunity for being revolutionary with courage and creativity?
  4. How can you harness the momentum of your family's zeal and passion to advance God's kingdom purposes? What practical steps can you take to be a catalyst for positive change?
Day 4

About this Plan

The Driven Family: Building a Legacy of Faith and Perseverance

"Driven Families: Pursuing God's Purpose with Passion" is a 5-day plan to inspire and equip your family. Discover how to overcome limiting beliefs, find balance, and pursue God’s calling with intentionality. Each day includes Biblical insights, such as the story of Moses, reflective questions, and relevant scriptures to help your family set goals, navigate challenges, and cultivate a shared vision with unity and purpose.
