Sacred Suffering - a Study on the Book of JobSample

Sacred Suffering - a Study on the Book of Job

DAY 1 OF 5

When we find ourselves in the pit of suffering, we are tempted to ask, “Where is God?” We want to know not only where He is, but also why He allows us to experience such agonizing pain. We are tempted to shake our fists at heaven and wish that God would hand us the pen so we may author our own story. That’s the temptation at least.

Job, a faithful servant of God, surely wanted answers as he watched his children die and his wealth disappear. As if that were not enough, Satan struck him with terrible sores that caused excruciating pain. What’s worse, God allowed Satan to strike Job. Is God worthy of praise even when he takes away our comfort? Is God still good?

As we study Job, we will learn that God is a good and sovereign Author. We will face the harsh reality that God allows suffering to reveal His wondrous glory and so that His people might grow in their knowledge and love of Him. Ironically, God uses suffering for our good. He is able to bring beauty out of brokenness.

Job 42:5 says, “I had heard reports about you, but now my eyes have seen you.” These words were uttered after Job’s suffering. After God met him, after he finally understood God’s sovereign control over all creation and in the minute details of his life, he saw God not as a distant deity but as his personal Savior. So too, as we experience suffering, we can draw near to Christ for our comfort and know Him as our personal Savior who sympathizes with our weakness—our Savior who’s familiar with pain. As Jesus defeated the grave, so will we.

When we face suffering today, as Job did, we can look toward eternity and know that our future glory, when our eyes finally see Christ, will be far greater than anything we could imagine. Nothing—no suffering or evil—can separate us from the love of Christ.

Reflect and Respond question

Reflect on your last season of suffering. What did you learn about God?


Day 2

About this Plan

Sacred Suffering - a Study on the Book of Job

“Why?” In suffering, this one-word prayer is packed with emotion. As we study the book of Job, we will reflect upon God’s character and learn that He is worthy of our trust, no matter the circumstance. We will behold God’s ultimate provision in Christ and remember that nothing—no tragedy or hardship—can separate us from His love. By studying Job, we will learn that God is enough.
