Proverbs: The Art of Wise LivingSample

Proverbs: The Art of Wise Living

DAY 4 OF 9

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25

Reflection: Every day, we are bombarded with stories of deceit, theft, contempt, and murder. Perhaps you’ve even been the victim of someone else’s crime. It’s natural to be frustrated with the unfairness of it all and wonder why those who practice evil seem to get away with their schemes and live unpunished.

If you’ve ever wondered what God thinks of the injustice and inequity in the world, look no further than Proverbs 11. Throughout the Bible, we learn that justice is one of God’s core attributes. Fair and honest behavior, speech, and intention are of utmost importance to Him because He Himself embodies justice. He is love — and perfect love neither deceives, corrupts, murders, nor steals. To God, wicked practices are detestable.

In the 31 verses of Proverbs 11, we discover that the final outcomes of wicked and righteous behavior are opposites: the wicked will be punished, and the righteous will be blessed by God. Given these contradictory outcomes and knowing how deeply God dislikes all levels of deceit, you might think that choosing righteous behavior would be easy. However, the condition of our human hearts, our motives, and our tendency toward sin often complicate this choice, despite our best intentions.

Thankfully, in His mercy, God sent His Son, Jesus, to pay the ultimate price. Through Jesus and a repented heart, our broken state can be redeemed and transformed, and we can make righteous choices one step at a time through His guidance and presence within us, allowing us to pour into others with open generosity. And though our intention is not to be blessed but to bless others, Proverbs 11:25 implies that you will also benefit in the process.

Prayer: Lord, I want my actions and motives to align with Yours, yet I repeatedly fall short. I realize that righteousness comes from You, so I invite You to grow stronger in me. Fill me to overflowing with Your generosity, discernment, obedience, peace, love, and joy — so that when others look at me, they see You.

As You restore and teach me Your righteousness, give me the courage to stand for justice and share Your goodness with others. Help me not to grow weary and cynical of the world, but rather help me to act in love, extend forgiveness, and generously pour into others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Day 3Day 5

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Proverbs: The Art of Wise Living

The book of Proverbs invites you to pause and reflect, providing wisdom and insight into human experience and our relationships with God and each other. No matter what stage of life you are in, every day gives you a new opportunity to grow and learn. As you build your life, let the book of Proverbs inform, teach, and guide you in the art of wise living.
