When God SpeaksSample

When God Speaks

DAY 5 OF 7

Through His People

Hello. I have a friend named Larry. Larry is a humble servant who hears God and often sends me an email when God speaks to his heart. The other day he wrote this to me:

Morning Grant, God told me to write you so, I am.

I know why I'm prompted to email you, cuz you're probably the busiest guy I know. And if prompted, it must mean you need to be prayed for... so here I am. The last thing you need is a long text from me... So I'll keep it concise... here goes…

Tony Evans writes, "It's one thing for the world to be falling apart. It's another thing for you to be falling apart with it. We can't control the world, but we can always control our response to it. We can have peace even when we have problems. But when we have peace, our problems won't have us."

Jesus said clearly, "These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage: I have overcome the world." (John 16:33 NIV).

May you be filled with peace, Grant, knowing that you are prayed for and God is right beside you. As you face whatever lands on you today. Carry His Peace, Larry

My friend, I needed to hear EXACTLY what Larry wrote to me that morning. God spoke to my heart through my spiritual brother and together, God and Larry changed the trajectory of my entire day! His words reminded me of James 3:17:

“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.“ (James 3:17, NIV)

His words also reminded me of Luke 12:12,

“For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.” (Luke 12:12, NIV)

Has God ever spoken to you through a friend or a family member? It was Him! What if God is asking you to speak to someone today on His behalf? What a joy to partner with God today in making sure His voice is heard loud and clear. If God is prompting you to be a “Larry” today, do it! What a miracle you could be in someone else’s life!

For now, I hope you will take my voice and this email as God speaking to you! I pray that God speaks to you through A Miracle Every Day and never forget my friend…

You are a miracle!


Day 4Day 6